Featured Weekly Accessible Learning Activities: Fictional Houses, Fascinating Animals, Favorite Technology

Published on January 26th, 2022 📆 | 3417 Views ⚑


Weekly Accessible Learning Activities: Fictional Houses, Fascinating Animals, Favorite Technology


Each Wednesday we shine a spotlight on five student activities that support a broad range of learners. Below you’ll find learning activities based on the family home from “Home Alone,” recent animal discoveries, useful tech tools, an intriguing photograph and maps showing where people of Asian descent live in the United States.

Note: To learn more about this new weekly feature, read our introductory post. Please share your thoughts in the comments section or by emailing us at LNFeedback@nytimes.com.

1. Imagine a stay in a favorite fictional house.

In this Student Opinion, students learn about some of the pop culture-inspired homes that Airbnb, the home-sharing platform, has rented to guests. Then, they will think about a home they would like to stay the night in from one of their favorite movies, shows or books.

2. Learn about some of the unusual creatures The Times reported on in 2021.

This Lesson of the Day features some recent “wild” discoveries in the animal kingdom. After reading about these discoveries, students can read another short article to learn about an additional strange and fascinating creature.

3. Share your favorite apps and technology.

Inspired by a Picture Prompt image, students share their go-to tech tools for school, for work or for entertainment. Students can share their responses in the comments section and read the related article about “the tech that will invade our lives in 2022.”

4. Make observations about a photograph.

What’s Going On in This Picture invites students to look closely at a photograph published in The Times, and try to figure out what is happening in the image. Students can read what other students noticed in the image, as well as moderator responses, in the comments section.

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