Featured Investors Say SolarWinds Was Warned Of Lax Cybersecurity

Published on October 4th, 2021 📆 | 6600 Views ⚑


Investors Say SolarWinds Was Warned Of Lax Cybersecurity

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By Diamond Naga Siu (October 4, 2021, 2:40 PM EDT) -- SolarWinds investors urged a Texas federal judge to keep their suit against the software company alive, citing how its internal cybersecurity expert had warned of "critical deficiencies" in its cybersecurity before a massive hack that impacted government agencies and private companies.

Texas-based SolarWinds Corp. was hit with a variety of legal challenges following the cyberattack on its Orion software, which was reported in December. The underlying proposed class action alleges that the company deceived investors about its cyber vulnerabilities.

The investors said in their Friday memorandum against SolarWinds' request to dismiss the suit that the company's global cybersecurity strategist Ian Thornton-Trump...

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