
Published on July 4th, 2019 📆 | 7029 Views ⚑


Fed. Circ. Gives Finjan Partial Victory On Anti-Malware Patent

Law360 (July 3, 2019, 5:07 PM EDT) -- The Federal Circuit on Tuesday affirmed a PTAB ruling partially upholding the validity of a Finjan cybersecurity patent in a decision that could ripple into sprawling battles the company is fighting in district court with its rivals over the same technology.

In consolidated appeals, with Finjan Inc. and its rival Palo Alto Networks Inc. each appealing the parts of the PTAB ruling that went against them, a three-judge panel agreed with PTAB that Palo Alto failed to show that the three claims it challenged were obvious.

In the nonprecedential opinion the Federal Circuit also rejected Palo Alto's attempt to challenge the...

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