Pentest Tools

Published on January 19th, 2016 📆 | 2585 Views ⚑


CrackMapExec — Pentesting Active Directory Environments


CrackMapExec is your one-stop-shop for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments!

From enumerating logged on users and spidering SMB shares to executing psexec style attacks, auto-injecting Mimikatz/Shellcode/DLL’s into memory using Powershell, dumping the NTDS.dit and more!

CrackMapExec v2.3 Released


Pentesting Active Directory Environments:

  • Pure Python script, no external tools required
  • Fully concurrent threading
  • Uses ONLY native WinAPI calls for discovering sessions, users, dumping SAM hashes etc…
  • Opsec safe (no binaries are uploaded to dump clear-text credentials, inject shellcode etc…)

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Installation on Kali Linux

Run pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt


A swiss army knife for pentesting
Windows/Active Directory environments



                Swiss army knife for pentesting Windows/Active Directory environments | @byt3bl33d3r

                      Powered by Impacket (@agsolino)

                                                  Inspired by:
                           @ShawnDEvans's smbmap
                           @gojhonny's CredCrack
                           @pentestgeek's smbexec

positional arguments:
  target                The target range, CIDR identifier or file containing targets

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS            Set how many concurrent threads to use
  -u USERNAME           Username, if omitted null session assumed
  -p PASSWORD           Password
  -H HASH               NTLM hash
  -n NAMESPACE          Namespace name (default //./root/cimv2)
  -d DOMAIN             Domain name
  -s SHARE              Specify a share (default: C$)
  -P {139,445}          SMB port (default: 445)
  -v                    Enable verbose output

Credential Gathering:
  Options for gathering credentials

  --sam                 Dump SAM hashes from target systems
  --mimikatz            Run Invoke-Mimikatz on target systems
  --ntds {ninja,vss,drsuapi}
                        Dump the NTDS.dit from target DCs using the specifed method
                        (drsuapi is the fastest)
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  Options for Mapping/Enumerating

  --shares              List shares
  --sessions            Enumerate active sessions
  --users               Enumerate users
  --lusers              Enumerate logged on users
  --wmi QUERY           Issues the specified WMI query

Account Bruteforcing:
  Options for bruteforcing SMB accounts

  --bruteforce USER_FILE PASS_FILE
                        Your wordlists containing Usernames and Passwords
  --exhaust             Don't stop on first valid account found

  Options for spidering shares

  --spider FOLDER       Folder to spider (defaults to share root dir)
  --pattern PATTERN     Pattern to search for in filenames and folders
  --patternfile PATTERNFILE
                        File containing patterns to search for
  --depth DEPTH         Spider recursion depth (default: 1)

Command Execution:
  Options for executing commands

  --execm {atexec,wmi,smbexec}
                        Method to execute the command (default: smbexec)
  -x COMMAND            Execute the specified command
  -X PS_COMMAND         Excute the specified powershell command

Shellcode/EXE/DLL injection:
  Options for injecting Shellcode/EXE/DLL's using PowerShell

  --inject {exe,shellcode,dll}
                        Inject Shellcode, EXE or a DLL
  --path PATH           Path to the Shellcode/EXE/DLL you want to inject on the target systems
  --procid PROCID       Process ID to inject the Shellcode/EXE/DLL into (if omitted, will inject within the running PowerShell process)
  --exeargs EXEARGS     Arguments to pass to the EXE being reflectively loaded (ignored if not injecting an EXE)

Filesystem interaction:
  Options for interacting with filesystems

  --list PATH           List contents of a directory
  --download PATH       Download a file from the remote systems
  --upload SRC DST      Upload a file to the remote systems
  --delete PATH         Delete a remote file

There's been an awakening... have you felt it?


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