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Published on January 11th, 2015 📆 | 2038 Views ⚑


BlueScan – A Bluetooth Device Scanner

Text to Speech Voices

BlueScan is a BASH script that acts as a Bluetooth device scanner. It’s a tool designed to detect Bluetooth devices within the radio range of your system and extract as much information as possible from the devices without the requirement to pair.

BlueScan - A Bluetooth Device Scanner

The tool works unobtrusively, ie without establishing a connection to the devices found and undetected. No superuser privileges are required to run it.

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  • A GNU / Linux operating system
  • A kernel version 2.4.6 or higher with the Bluetooth protocol stack implemented
  • A Bluetooth adapter that provides the system with HCI interface
  • Libraries – libbluetooth2 & bluez-utils


Currently it is able to detect:

  • BD device address (is equivalent to the MAC of a network card)
  • Device Name
  • Manufacturer (in most cases)
  • Active services on the device
  • Open channels on the device

One caveat, it’s in Spanish, so yah – you’ll have to figure that out.

You can download BlueScan here:

Or read more here.

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