
Published on October 31st, 2013 📆 | 3337 Views ⚑


Anonymous riseup free love OpLastResort

Greetings Citizens of the world, this is Anonymous.

It has come to our attention that governments seek to try and systematically dismantle those within us, who seek the truth. We have watched with dismay as a great, injustice is being committed by the Governments of the World. They swoop in like the lawless plagues they have become without merit or cause, attempt to mute our brothers and sisters.

We will not we can not, be silenced or intimidated by them. In the past days we have seen our innocent family invaded by this pestilence called the FBI and its partners around the world. They have ransacked our homes, taken our property and invaded our privacy in what can only be described as a witch-hunt.

They have without proof, made false accusations against us. They have without foundation, incarcerated us. They have without success, turn brother against brother. Citizens of the World, this WILL STOP NOW.! Since we have already shown what we are capable of numerous times, since you have sought to without success silence us we now call our brothers and sisters to seize control of their cyberspace.

We have shown that we can infiltrate your systems at will. We have shown that your methods of trying to turn us against each other are a failure. We call on our brothers and sisters to hack, deface, Dox, hijack, all databases, and cyber asset, and government agents they can find. We know they have vulnerable systems. We already have continued redundant access for most of them. We can easily gain access to more of them.

Faced with a justice system that uses laws from before 1800 and then talks about what’s right and speaks dishonestly Faced with a justice system that jail people without any trial for more than 1and half year only to break their minds. Faced with a system that acts like a stasi and monitors the free speech between people globally of the likes we never seen in our history that never dismantled its authoritarian structure, but constantly renews it. The ruling morality is corrupt morality.

You still think you need to control us, that we need leaders to follow. You still do not get the nature of the system you created any message , order, lie or truth will be received on the other end you can't silence us! We don't need u, we empowered ourselves!
We rather live with our peers determinate our autonomy than in your plutocracy, you only fear us because you know we will bring you down one day!

It is clear that the massive hunt for us is really directed against the entire internet. This circus cannot be justified by the small amount of damage caused or documents we are alleged to have stolen, or by the conspiracy they’re trying to pin on us. The ruling class has been scared out of its skin.

Anonymous has grown tired of your bullying, and now you will see the result of your actions. Cyber war has been declared on you.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us #OpLastResort engaged.

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