News 'We broke-up and he became obsessed, hacking my Facebook and webcam to spy on me'

Published on April 24th, 2019 📆 | 3961 Views ⚑


‘We broke-up and he became obsessed, hacking my Facebook and webcam to spy on me’

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A woman who was stalked by her ex-boyfriend - who hacked into the home security camera she used to monitor her pets - has spoken out about her ordeal.

Former British Gas engineer Mark Wellings, 34, became 'obsessed' with his ex-partner, Helen Hughes, 33, after she ended their two-month relationship.

Rather than move on, Helen says he 'emotionally blackmailed' her by pretending he had suffered a heart attack and might not survive.

He also hacked into her Facebook account to read her private messages and accessed the camera she used to check on her dog and cats while she was out of the house 'to spy on her'.

Helen only realised he was secretly watching her at her home in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, when she heard and saw the camera moving.

Former British Gas engineer Mark Wellings hacked into his ex girlfriend's home security camera she used to monitor her pets
(Image: Tom Wren SWNS)


After reporting his behaviour to police, Wellings was arrested and in April he appeared at Cheltenham Magistrates' Court where he admitted stalking and was given a 18-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months.

Helen - who works night shifts in a care home while she completes her degree in social work at Gloucestershire University - said: "I met Mark on the morning my marriage ended.

"He literally walked into my home when my life was at my most vulnerable point.

"I'd called out a British Gas engineer to fix my heating - as I had no hot water - and he showed up.

"He made an excuse to contact me after completing the work and he said and did all the right things.

Helen says Wellings 'emotionally blackmailed' her by pretending he had suffered a heart attack and might not survive
(Image: Helen Hughes /SWNS.COM)


"I was feeling low and he swooped in and felt flattered by the attention he showed me.

"But after two months together, I became concerned that the things Mark was saying just weren't true.

"When I tried to call it off, he lied about having a heart attack and almost dying. Every time we almost split he claimed to be sick to try and make me feel sorry for him.

"When we eventually did break-up, he became obsessed.

Her ex-boyfriend stalker hacked the camera she used to use to check on her dog and cats whilst out of the house
(Image: Helen Hughes /SWNS.COM)


"He hacked into my Facebook to read all of my messages and accessed the camera I used to check on my pets while I'm out to spy on me.

"When I heard it move, I knew straight away it was Mark and I went to the police.

"I knew enough was enough.

"His stalking campaign left me feeling unsafe in my own home, but I'm just glad he's out of my life."

The camera Mark Wellings used to stalk Helen Hughes.

Helen first met Mark in April 2018 when he was called out to her house through his job with British Gas.

She said: "I was having my Hive wireless heating system fitted on the Friday. A lady came to do it but something went wrong and I ended up with no hot water.

"I called British Gas again to get someone else to come out to sort it and the next day Mark turned up.

"It just so happened that my four-year marriage ended that morning.

Helen Hughes said she only realised her ex-boyfriend was secretly watching her in the comfort of her own home when she heard and saw and heard the camera moving.
(Image: Tom Wren SWNS)

"I was pretty upset so my friend had come over to support me.

"Mark was in the kitchen and he heard me pouring my heart out to my friend - he later admitted he'd been listening to it all and snooping at the photos on my fridge.

"It was like he was scoping me out.

"We didn't really talk, I offered made him a cup of tea but that was about it.

"I've got a few cats and one went near him, he was trying to push it off and made a joke about it - but that was the extent of our interaction while he was in my home.

Wellings was arrested after his ex reported him to the police and in April he admitted stalking and was given a 18-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months
(Image: Helen Hughes /SWNS.COM)

"He was only there for a couple of hours, but about half an hour after he left, I got a text from him asking if he'd left his laptop case in my kitchen.

"I wasn't home, but I replied and told him I'd check when I got back.

"He basically struck up a conversation from there but in the end I found out he didn't even have a laptop case - he never had one - it was just an excuse to get in touch."

At first, Helen was flattered by the attention she received from Mark.

Wellings told his ex he had left his laptop case in her kitchen on the first day
(Image: Helen Hughes /SWNS.COM)


She said: "He was really friendly in his messages. He seemed very open and honest and seemed to know all the right things to say.

"It was nice to have someone to talk to about my recent failed marriage that wasn't close to the situation.

"We started chatting a lot in messages and then he began popping over to my house for a cup of tea - he was a shoulder to cry on.

"We'd gotten quite friendly and it was nice.

"It started out as friendship at first, but then he started saying things like he felt like he was falling in love with me.

"I'd just separated from my husband and the attention was nice. It was what I wanted to hear so our friendship developed into romance."

The couple would walk Helen's dog together or Wellings would come over to her house, but he wouldn't ever stay the night which Helen said she found 'unusual'.
(Image: Helen Hughes /SWNS.COM)

She said she noticed after two months that things didn't seem right.

"He became quite obsessive and paranoid," she continued.

"If I didn't message him back straight away, I'd start to get a withheld number ringing me which was clearly him checking up on me.

"On one occasion I went to a friend's wedding in Scotland and he sent me a message he claimed someone there had sent him - accusing me of spending the night with another man.

"It was evident he'd actually just sent the message to himself as there was no one with me.

"I ignored it for a while but he kept calling and my phone was going off constantly throughout the wedding day.

"Every time I went away or out, I would get lots of missed calls.

"It was exhausting and draining."

Helen was initially happy in her relationship with Mark but soon felt things weren't right because he was saying things she believed were untrue.

Helen said the emotional blackmail by her ex was "exhausting and draining."
(Image: Tom Wren SWNS)

She confronted him with what she regarded to be his 'lies' and the couple broke up between September and October last year.

Helen said: "It was all very stressful and made me feel quite anxious.

"He also hacked into my Facebook and started sending himself messages from my account. He then had a go at me for sending them.

"He tried to make out someone else had accessed my account to stir up trouble and cause problems.

"But the stuff he was saying on there, no one else would have known about.

"He'd read messages I'd sent other people on Facebook and would use that information.

When she didn't reply Wellings would repeatedly text Helen, and in the end it was too much for her.
(Image: Tom Wren SWNS)


"I confronted him about the Facebook messages.

"I told him: 'I've got the IP address of where it was logged in, please don't lie to me' and he admitted it all.

"He said he'd leave me alone, but after that he text me again.

"He said that now - after talking to me - he felt he could carry on with life, with me being in it he wouldn't be so depressed.

"I told him: 'I can't be that person in your life, you have to make yourself happy. You can't rely on other people.'"

Helen said Mark left her alone for a short period, before things took a sinister turn.

She said: "I actually didn't hear from him for a while, but one day I was in my living room - trying to get the jewellery out of a candle I'd bought in November last year, when I heard my camera move.

"It stopped me in my tracks.

"I had bought the home security camera to keep an eye on my 12 cats and one dog, Rico, a Yorkshire Terrier rescue, while I was out.

"The only way the camera could move is if I accessed it from the app on my phone and directed it to.

"I logged into the app and saw it said 'two viewers' at the top.

"I knew straight away it was Mark and I confronted him.

"I instantly knew it was him so I text him saying: 'Before you lie, I've got the camera interface so I can see where it can be logged in from.'

"I didn't have it, but I knew it was him and he admitted it too. He was basically spying on me.

"It left me feeling unsafe in my own home so I told him: 'I'm going to the police'.

"He spent the day crying down the phone, telling me I was going to ruin his career and his life and that his daughter would be taken away from him.

"He said he'd just got engaged to his girlfriend.

"But I knew it had to stop and he wouldn't if I didn't take action.

"With the support of a women's organisation I was working with on my placement at university, I went to the police station to report it."

Helen was so upset that she later suffered panic attacks, had trouble keeping food and drink down and wanted to move out of her home.

At court, Wellings admitted stalking and was given an 18-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months in April.

He was issued with an indefinite restraining order, meaning he must have no contact with Helen and must not go to her home.

The judge also ordered him to do 180 hours of work for the community and 10 days of rehabilitation activities.

She said he would have to pay Helen £500 compensation, a £115 victim surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

She said: "I went along to the court case and read my victim impact statement.

"I was very emotional and had to stop a couple of times.

"Mark just looked down at the floor and up at the ceiling to avoid looking at me.

"I thought he might have apologised through his barrister but he didn't.

"He knew the right things to say and do. I look back now and think 'why didn't I pick up on that?'

"At the time, I thought it was lovely that somebody was caring about me that much, but now I realise he was smothering me.

"When you let someone into your home you don't expect them to betray that trust or the position they are in.

Video grabs from the camera Mark Wellings used to stalk Helen Hughes.
(Image: Helen Hughes /SWNS.COM)


"If someone was to come to your door and tell you they're a convicted stalker and said: 'Can I come in and fix your boiler?' I can't imagine many people would say 'yes'.

"If anyone else is in a similar position to me, my advice would be to go to the police straight away.

"If they are working for a business and they've got your details through their work go to the top.

"It's not acceptable.

"It was only after we contacted the CEO of British Gas that they took action and I've been told Mark's been dismissed with immediate effect.

"They apologised and were honest in saying the correct procedures weren't followed.

"He should have been suspended straight away and shouldn't have been allowed to work and go into other peoples' homes.

"It's caused a huge amount of distress seeing him driving around in his British Gas van and felt like a big two middle fingers stuck up at me - like what he's done doesn't matter.

"Every time I saw a British Gas van I felt sick and as they were everywhere, it gave me a feeling of dread and my anxiety got bad.

"I've been assured they've launched an internal investigation and I've suggested if anyone accused of something as serious as stalking needs to be removed straight away, whether they are guilty or not guilty, because of the risk it poses to other people.

"Hopefully now all of their engineers will be DBS checked as a result of this."

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