
Published on October 8th, 2019 📆 | 4781 Views ⚑


UPMC Says 60K Employees Lack Standing In Data Breach Suit


Law360, Pittsburgh (October 7, 2019, 3:13 PM EDT) -- About 60,000 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center employees whose personal data was hacked have no standing to sue the hospital network in a proposed class action because no one has actually used or abused their stolen data, an attorney for UPMC argued in Pennsylvania state court Monday.

John Conti of Dickie McCamey & Chilcote PC, who represents UPMC, said while he wasn’t challenging a subclass of about 780 employees whose personal data was stolen from UPMC in the hack and used to file fraudulent tax returns and collect refunds, the vast majority of employees in the lawsuit based their claim on...

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