Featured Trade Groups Say FCC Can't Wade Into Device Cybersecurity

Published on September 22nd, 2021 📆 | 4210 Views ⚑


Trade Groups Say FCC Can’t Wade Into Device Cybersecurity

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By Nadia Dreid (September 21, 2021, 10:24 PM EDT) -- The Federal Communications Commission is "breaking new legal ground" with its proposed rule to restrict the flow of Chinese-made technologies into the United States, according to a collection of industry groups that aren't sure that the agency has the power to make cybersecurity rules about devices.

Eight industry groups including USTelecom, CTIA and the Consumer Technology Association penned a letter to the agency Monday asking it to reconsider the new rules, which they said "may be difficult to implement and may have serious unintended consequences."

In a set of comments filed separately with the FCC, Consumer Technology Association on Monday went a bit further, calling the...

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