Featured Technology, social media pose dangers to teens

Published on November 12th, 2021 📆 | 7445 Views ⚑


Technology, social media pose dangers to teens


Technology. It’s harmless, right?


Ever since Apple released the first official iPhone on June 29, 2007, the abilities of technology, especially smart devices, have become stronger and more powerful than ever before. 

The first-generation Apple iPhone was and looked very different from the current iPhone 13. It had 2G connection, no App store, the only background option was black, there was no “cut/copy/paste” feature, no texting in “landscape” mode or sending pictures.

The first iPhone was advanced for its time, yet it can do a 10th of what the iPhone 13 is capable of. 

The recently released iPhone 13s have countless new features, along with the typical aspects of Apple iPhones. For instance, it comes in four different sizes: iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max. Each one has its own unique characteristics, but they all share various similarities.

The newest model, like later generations, allows you to send photos, includes the “cut/copy/paste” feature, the App Store app, numerous wallpaper options, etc. Not only that, but according to Apple, the iPhone 13 models have incredible photography capabilities, along with a longer battery life, ranging from 9-12 hours. Needless to say, they are all 10 times more advanced than the original model.

Technology can take us far. But it also comes with harm.

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However, that’s not what this article is about. 

Yes, all of these smartphones and devices have impressive features and amazing capabilities. Yet, do we take into account the large impacts these devices have on people’s lives?

As technology develops, it becomes more powerful. Not just in terms of features, but the specific effects these advanced qualities have on people of all ages. 

Each generation has been impacted differently, but the main ones affected by this new era of innovation are teens and young adults, particularly Generation Z. This is primarily because it is one of the younger generations and they themselves are very knowledgeable when it comes to technology, specifically smartphones.

You must be thinking, “Isn’t that a good thing?” No, not necessarily.

Technology has the potential to do many different things, both good and bad. It can help us reach out to friends and family, capture memories, and play fun games all in just one smart device. 

On the other hand, it has the dangerous power of manipulating us.

We’re transported into a different world that isn’t real, since everything is on a screen. It's an escape from reality, in the worst possible way.

When trapped in the world of technology, we aren’t able to take in everything and everyone around us. By constantly scrolling through TikTok, liking photos on Instagram, etc., we are taking away our ability to enjoy the essence of life itself.

We may not always realize it, but by regularly being on our phones and devices makes us feel more isolated and alone than we seem to think. It prevents us from establishing communication skills and learning how to properly socialize with someone in person.

Yes, it can be easier to just text or FaceTime someone, but it is not the same as real-life human interaction.

Not only does technology take away our ability to properly communicate with others, but certain apps that stem from smartphones themselves are even worse.

As most know by now, Instagram and Tiktok are some of the most toxic places on the internet. People are getting hated on, judged for their beliefs, ridiculed, etc. What makes it even worse is how easily you can say something rude or disrespectful to someone, just by typing a few words. All of this negativity can degrade someone’s mental health and destroy their confidence. 

Still, most are oblivious to the fact of how harmful social media can be, especially the app Instagram.

Practically every Instagram user glosses over their problems and acts like their life is all sunshine and rainbows, when that’s the complete opposite for most. They are so accustomed to hiding behind a screen and covering up their insecurities with filters, showing their audience who they desire to be instead of who they truly are as an individual. 

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t post certain things on your social media. All I’m trying to explain is that people tend to see it from a different perspective by focusing on someone else’s life and comparing it to their own, which can then lead to other problems. 

Technology and smart devices aren’t always bad. Sometimes, the virtual world can be a nice mental escape from the stress of school, work, sports, etc.

However, that doesn’t mean everyone’s screen time should be as high as 7-15 hours a day.

Every aspect of technology is slowly but surely taking control of our everyday lives and that has to stop. Let’s take back control and end this problem.

Paige Venable

Paige Venable is a junior at Seneca High School in Tabernacle, New Jersey. She was born in Pembroke Pines, Florida, and has a passion for writing. She is editor-in-chief of Seneca's student newspaper.

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