Browsing the "maya" Tag

Compositing reel Winter 2016

November 9th, 2015 | 🕒 Compositing reel for Winter 2016. Software used: Nuke, Mocha Pro, Maya, After Effects. Breakdown of shots corresponding to

Compositing reel Spring 2015

April 14th, 2015 | 🕒 Compositing reel for Spring 2015. Software used: Nuke, Mocha Pro, Maya, After Effects. Breakdown of shots corresponding to

Lamborghini “Dark Side Out”

October 29th, 2014 | 🕒 - Make fun after daily work. hope all you guys like it. - Maya nCloth,Vray,Nuke,AE - My work on

Modeling and Texturing Demo Reel 2014

April 30th, 2014 | 🕒

text to speech Modeling and Texturing Demo Reel Breakdown: 0:07 "Carnotaurus" (Personal project). Modeling, UV mapping, texturing, lookdev, rigging (including