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Published on April 25th, 2019 📆 | 7922 Views ⚑


snapd up to 2.38 snap-confine chdir() privilege escalation

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CVSS Meta Temp Score Current Exploit Price (≈)
5.3 $0-$5k

A vulnerability classified as critical was found in snapd up to 2.38. Affected by this vulnerability is the function chdir() of the component snap-confine. The manipulation with an unknown input leads to a privilege escalation vulnerability (Symlink). The CWE definition for the vulnerability is CWE-269. As an impact it is known to affect confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The weakness was shared 04/24/2019. This vulnerability is known as CVE-2019-11503 since 04/24/2019. Technical details are known, but no exploit is available.

Upgrading to version 2.39 eliminates this vulnerability.

The issues 134028 are related to this entry.


VulDB Meta Base Score: 5.5
VulDB Meta Temp Score: 5.3

VulDB Base Score: ≈5.5
VulDB Temp Score: ≈5.3
VulDB Vector: ?
VulDB Reliability: ?

VulDB Base Score: ?
VulDB Temp Score: ?
VulDB Reliability: ?
Class: Privilege escalation / Symlink (CWE-269)
Local: Yes
Remote: No

Availability: ?
Status: Not defined

Price Prediction: ?
Current Price Estimation: ?

0-Day unlock unlock unlock unlock
Today unlock unlock unlock unlock

Threat Intelligenceinfoedit

Threat: ?
Adversaries: ?
Geopolitics: ?
Economy: ?
Predictions: ?
Remediation: ?Recommended: Upgrade
Status: ?
0-Day Time: ?

Upgrade: snapd 2.39

04/24/2019 Advisory disclosed
04/24/2019 +0 days CVE assigned
04/25/2019 +1 days VulDB entry created
04/25/2019 +0 days VulDB last updateCVE: CVE-2019-11503 (?)
See also: ?Created: 04/25/2019 08:36 AM
Complete: ?

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