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Published on June 23rd, 2021 📆 | 3999 Views ⚑


Sens. Urged To Invest In Variety Of Broadband Technologies


Law360 (June 22, 2021, 7:04 PM EDT) -- Lawmakers can boost the reliability of the nation's broadband networks by spreading infrastructure funding among a variety of technologies such as fixed wireless and mobile broadband rather than limiting it solely to fiber, members of a Senate Commerce subcommittee heard Tuesday.

During a hearing titled "Building Resilient Networks," Wireless Infrastructure Association President Jonathan Adelstein testified that a singular focus on fiber broadband networks that can deliver "symmetrical" speeds of 100 megabits per second would prioritize a sometimes cumbersome broadband delivery method that can take longer to restore in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Instead, Adelstein suggested Congress should prioritize funding...

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