
Published on March 7th, 2020 📆 | 4496 Views ⚑


Rutter’s Convenience Stores Hit With Suit Over Data Breach


Law360 (March 6, 2020, 2:06 PM EST) -- Convenience store and gas station chain Rutter's Inc. has been slapped with a class action in Pennsylvania federal court on behalf of consumers whose credit and debit card information was allegedly swiped after malware went undetected on the company's payment processing systems for as long as nine months.

The lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday, says that the York County-based company had put its customers' sensitive financial information at risk by failing to take adequate measures to protect its computer systems from a cyberattack that Rutter's disclosed last month.

"Rutter's failed to properly safeguard class members' card information, allowing malware to be...

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