Pentest Tools

Published on October 22nd, 2015 📆 | 2506 Views ⚑


PowerUp — Windows Local Privilege Escalation
PowerUp is a powershell tool to assist with local privilege escalation on Windows systems. It contains several methods to identify and abuse vulnerable services, as well as DLL hijacking opportunities, vulnerable registry settings, and escalation opportunities.

The privesc/powerup/allchecks module implements a variety of checks for common Windows misconfigurations useful for privilege escalation. It will check:

  • if you are an admin in a medium integrity process (exploitable with bypassuac)
  • for any unquoted service path issues
  • for any services with misconfigured ACLs (exploitable with service_*)
  • any improper permissions on service executables (exploitable with service_exe_*)
  • for any leftover unattend.xml files
  • if the AlwaysInstallElevated registry key is set
  • if any Autologon credentials are left in the registry
  • for any encrypted web.config strings and application pool passwords
  • for any %PATH% .DLL hijacking opportunities (exploitable with write_dllhijacker)

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Service Enumeration:

Get-ServiceUnquoted          -   returns services with unquoted paths that also have a space in the name
Get-ServiceEXEPerms          -   returns services where the current user can write to the service binary path
Get-ServicePerms             -   returns services the current user can modify


Service Abuse:

Invoke-ServiceUserAdd        -   modifies a modifiable service to create a user and add it to the local administrators
Write-UserAddServiceBinary   -   writes out a patched C# service binary that adds a local administrative user
Write-CMDServiceBinary       -   writes out a patched C# binary that executes a custom command
Write-ServiceEXE             -   replaces a service binary with one that adds a local administrator user
Write-ServiceEXECMD          -   replaces a service binary with one that executes a custom command
Restore-ServiceEXE           -   restores a replaced service binary with the original executable

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DLL Hijacking:

Invoke-FindDLLHijack         -   finds DLL hijacking opportunities for currently running processes
Invoke-FindPathHijack        -   finds service %PATH% .DLL hijacking opportunities


Registry Checks:

Get-RegAlwaysInstallElevated  -   checks if the AlwaysInstallElevated registry key is set
Get-RegAutoLogon              -   checks for Autologon credentials in the registry


Misc. Checks:

Get-UnattendedInstallFiles  -   finds remaining unattended installation files
Get-Webconfig               -   checks for any encrypted web.config strings
Get-ApplicationHost         -   checks for encrypted application pool and virtual directory passwords
Invoke-CheckLocalAdmin      -   checks if the user is effectively a local administrator

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Invoke-AllChecks        -   runs all current escalation checks and returns a report
Write-UserAddMSI        -   write out a MSI installer that prompts for a user to be added
Invoke-ServiceStart     -   starts a given service
Invoke-ServiceStop      -   stops a given service
Invoke-ServiceEnable    -   enables a given service
Invoke-ServiceDisable   -   disables a given service
Get-ServiceDetails      -   returns detailed information about a service



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