
Published on March 7th, 2020 📆 | 5106 Views ⚑


Pothole damage: Local councils can use road repair technology to fix issues quicker 


New road technology could repair potholes on the spot which would help underfunded councils fix damage to their roads. The experts say old methods were often costly as damaged roads had to be completely ripped up before fresh asphalt could be fitted.

New technology could help local councils save money as the tools can recycle up to 65 percent of the existing road surface.

The new upgrades could help local authorities make a quick and decisive response to deal with their pothole issues which are a major problem in many areas.

Harry Pearl, CEO of road repair company Roadmender Asphalt says their new Elastomac technology will provide the solution to the challenges.

He added: “Britain's councils have been underfunded in their challenge to repair our road infrastructure.  

READ MORE: Pothole claims could ruin no claims bonus 

“With the rapid growth of road users, as well as testing weather conditions, local authorities have been under increased pressure to deal with road degradation.”

A Freedom of Information request filed by the Federation of Small Businesses revealed local authorities have spent almost £2billion on road repairs over the past two years.

Over £820,000 was spent on repairs between 2017 and 2018 before the budget was increased to almost £950,000 between 2018 and 2019.

The Asphalt Industry Alliance says the average cost of each pothole repair is £53.

However, periods of bad weather and the rise in the number of vehicles on the road has seen the number of potholes increase, putting pressure on local authorities.

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Mr Pearl said: “Rather than relying on traditional methods which are costly and slow, we can now implement these new developments and speed up the road repair process.

“Reliable roads free of potholes will benefit Britons all across the country, allowing them to travel without concern, whether for leisure or business.”

According to Roadmender, their Elastomac product applies hot rubber made from 50 percent recycled materials.

The company claims their product is versatile and can provide simple repairs to cracks, potholes and repairs to road surfaces.

Roadmender also says the tool has a long service life and will provide full training to local councils who purchase the product.

Last year, the government provided £23million of funding for research and trials into pothole technology aimed at stopping potholes from even forming.

Last Wednesday Northamptonshire council revealed an extra £654,000 investment for new machines to help tackle the regions pothole issues.

The region new thermal parching technology was being introduced to help contractors to move away from traditional pothole repair methods.

This could triple the speed of pothole repairs across the country with some officials saying the new tools could fix the damage in up to 12 minutes.

New technological upgrades could save councils from expensive compensation charges which local councils must pay to some affected motorists.

Road users who have suffered damage from potholes can file a complaint against a local council who could fund repairs as long as a valid case is made.

Recent data revealed Surrey County Council was forced to pay the highest rate of compensation last year with over £300,000 handed out to motorists.

Bury Metropolitan Borough Council and Northamptonshire County Council were forced to pay over £210,000 in compensation claims to affected motorists. 

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