Featured Portland government undergoing cybersecurity testing | Portland

Published on August 4th, 2021 📆 | 5814 Views ⚑


Portland government undergoing cybersecurity testing | Portland


Portland will be performing a cybersecurity audit of all city departments to try to identify and address potential online weaknesses.

Portland Mayor Mike Callis made the announcement during the July 12 meeting of the board of aldermen. The city has retained VC3, an IT security firm out of South Carolina, to conduct the audit, which is costing approximately $4,700.

“We’ve been talking with our IT (information technology) department,” Callis said. “I feel it’s good to get a set of eyes from the outside looking in.

“We’re living in a day and age where we’re so vulnerable on so many things, whether it’s through cell phones, computers, whatever.”

VC3 was spending two days in Portland conducting its audit, and officials are scheduled to return next month with the results, according to Portland City Recorder Patricia Keen.

There have been a number of high-profile cybersecurity breaches in recent months, including the hacking of the Colonial Pipeline that affected gas prices throughout the Southeast, a Florida water treatment system and Microsoft.

According to Callis, hackers got into the city’s computers system “years ago” in an incident that required the involvement of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Now it’s happening at a much faster pace,” Callis said. “Hopefully, they’ll be helping the city as we move forward.”

Reach Chris Gregory at 615-450-5756 or cgregory@hartsvillevidette.com.

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