- They either do not work or are not reliable (got me false negatives several times in the past)
- They are not flexible enough (how to iterate over all wordlists, fuzz any module parameter)
- They lack useful features (display progress or pause during execution)
[adsense size='1']
Basically you should give Patator a try once you get disappointed by Medusa, Hydra or other brute-force tools and are about to code your own small script because Patator does the following:
- No false negatives, as it is the user that decides what results to ignore based on the status code of the response, the size of the response and/or matching strings/regex
- Modular Design (not limited to network modules, e.g. unzip_pass)
- Interactive runtime (shows progress, pause/unpause)
- Use persistent connections
- Multi-threaded
- Flexible user input (any module parameter can be fuzzed)
- Save every response (along with the request) to separate log files for later review.
- ftp_login : Brute-force FTP
- ssh_login : Brute-force SSH
- telnet_login : Brute-force Telnet
- smtp_login : Brute-force SMTP
- smtp_vrfy : Enumerate valid users using the SMTP VRFY command
- smtp_rcpt : Enumerate valid users using the SMTP RCPT TO command
- finger_lookup : Enumerate valid users using Finger
- http_fuzz : Brute-force HTTP/HTTPS
- pop_login : Brute-force POP
- pop_passd : Brute-force poppassd (not POP3)
- imap_login : Brute-force IMAP
- ldap_login : Brute-force LDAP
- smb_login : Brute-force SMB
- smb_lookupsid : Brute-force SMB SID-lookup
- rlogin_login : Brute-force rlogin
- vmauthd_login : Brute-force VMware Authentication Daemon
- mssql_login : Brute-force MSSQL
- oracle_login : Brute-force Oracle
- mysql_login : Brute-force MySQL
- mysql_query : Brute-force MySQL queries
- pgsql_login : Brute-force PostgreSQL
- vnc_login : Brute-force VNC
- dns_forward : Brute-force DNS
- dns_reverse : Brute-force DNS (reverse lookup subnets)
- ike_enum : Enumerate IKE transforms
- snmp_login : Brute-force SNMPv1/2 and SNMPv3
- unzip_pass : Brute-force the password of encrypted ZIP files
- keystore_pass : Brute-force the password of Java keystore files
- umbraco_crack : Crack Umbraco HMAC-SHA1 password hashes
Patator is NOT script-kiddie friendly, please read the README inside patator.py before reporting/complaining/asking how to use this tool..
You can download Patator v0.6 here:
Or read more here.