
Published on August 11th, 2019 📆 | 4738 Views ⚑


NSA Doval to oversee Kashmir’s 3 vital days

Speech Synthesis

New Delhi: With National Security Advisor Ajit Doval hitting the straps yet again and meeting common folk in Anantnag on Saturday, the government is preparing to relent on the existing security dragnet for the coming Bakrid on Monday.

For Doval personally and the government as a collective, a lot is at stake, the lockdown has been a huge success and by blindsiding the local populace and Pakistan, India has won a major political and diplomatic victory.

Doval himself is visible on the ground seen talking to locals and convincing them that their only option remains India and its development model.

Islamic radicalisation in the main of Wahhabi Salafism persuasion which indoctrinates the youth in the art of political jihad is India's biggest worry. Its rampant spread using the dark web and the onion router have only inflamed passions.

Given that the Pulwama attack was conducted by a local fidayeen, India is treading cautiously. However, with all the key nations on board and saying categorically that this is India's internal matter, the path for the BJP is now strewn with imponderables for it has to lift the gridlock and allow easing of life.

With Doval acting as the pointsman, it is not just Monday's Id festival which will test the Centre's resolve, but equally the whole week is likely to be difficult.

August 14 is Pakistan's Independence Day followed by India's Independence Day on August 15 when panchayats across south Kashmir will unfurl the Indian tricolour in troubled districts on Shopian, Kulgam, Pulwama and Anantnag.

In terms of optics and messaging, the BJP government is insistent that the tricolour is raised in all these areas.

Doval in the Valley is liaising constantly with the paramilitary, Army Commanders and other Unified Command pyramid and matrix to keep ahead in this game of brinkmanship.

India does not want to appear weak at any point in this display of resolve after taking such a decision.

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