Featured Museveni rallies universities on research, technology

Published on November 8th, 2022 📆 | 6082 Views ⚑


Museveni rallies universities on research, technology


President Museveni has implored public universities to do more research in areas of science and technology, health, and environment.
According to the President, universities should invest more in teaching science programmes because they are the centre of any country’s development.
The message was contained in his speech read by the Vice President, Maj (Rtd) Jessica Alupo, at the 28th graduation ceremony of Bugema University in Bugema, Luweero District, on Sunday.

 “The government is committed to promoting science and technology, and we will continue making a call to all institutions of higher learning, to prioritise and promote science programmes. It is important to note that science is a centre of gravity in the development process of any country, including Uganda,” Mr Museveni’s speech reads in part.
The President also said the government shall continue supporting all interventions, initiatives and programmes, both public and private, intended to offer formal and informal education to all Ugandans.
The Minister of Education and Sports, Ms Janet Museveni, in her message read by State Minister for Primary Education Dr Joyce Moriku Kaducu, said she expects more research and publications from all universities.
“This is one way through which you will contribute to the transformation of our society and our country. Research and publications are unique features of universities that set them apart from other educational institutions,” she said.

Ms Museveni asked universities to change the way they teach students in view of the changing technology.
“We must realise that emerging technologies are gradually affecting all aspects of our lives; whether we like it or not, technology is changing day by day and it requires new job requirements and new skills,” the minister said.
Ms Museveni asked university leaders to support the harmonisation process of the curriculum in the region and the entire globe through the development of subject specific benchmarks.

She further encouraged university administrators to embrace regional integration by welcoming and according equal treatment for all students from within the region. Bugema University Chancellor Maka Moses Ndimukika asked government to support the institution to complete its science complex, arguing that this will enable them further the training of scientists.
“As a university, we are focusing on the improvement of science infrastructure, there’s need for construction of new structures for better service delivery. The science complex building is still under construction at roofing level and we need to finish and install basic equipment, which may require about Shs1.7 billion,” he said.

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