Pentest Tools

Published on February 25th, 2018 📆 | 5539 Views ⚑


meg+ – Automated Reconnaissance Wrapper


This wrapper will automate numerous tasks and help you during your reconnaissance process. The script finds common issues, low hanging fruit, and assists you when approaching a target. meg+ also allows you to scan all your in-scope targets on HackerOne in one go — it simply retrieves them using a GraphQL query.


Watch TomNomNom's talk to learn more about his reconnaissance methodology:


You will need Golang, Python 2 or 3, and PHP 7.0 to use all the features provided by this tool. On top of that, make sure to install megwaybackurlsSublist3r, and gio.

git clone
cd megplus
go get
go get
git clone
# See

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You can either scan a list of hosts or use your HackerOne X-Auth-Token token to scan all the bug bounty programs that you participate in.

$ ./
1) Usage - target list of domains:        ./ <list of domains>
2) Usage - target all HackerOne programs: ./ -x <H1 X-Auth-Token>
3) Usage - run sublist3r first:           ./ -s <single host>

1) Example: ./ domains
2) Example: ./ -x XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
3) Example: ./ -s

Usage - Docker 
If you don't feel like installing all the dependencies mentioned above, you can simply run the abhartiya/tools_megplus Docker container, where test.txt is a sample file containing the URLs to test against. In your case, this will be the file containing the URLs you want to test:
docker run -v $(pwd):/megplus abhartiya/tools_megplus test.txt
The command will run the abhartiya/tools_megplus Docker image as a container and mount the pwd onto the container as a volume (at /megplus), which makes the test.txt file available to the container. Once megplus finishes running, the out directory will be created in pwd with all the results.
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meg+ will scan for the following things:

  • Sudomains using Sublist3r;
  • Configuration files;
  • Interesting strings;
  • Open redirects;
  • CRLF injection;
  • CORS misconfigurations;
  • Path-based XSS;
  • (Sub)domain takeovers.


Download meg+

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