Exploit/Advisories no image

Published on November 23rd, 2019 📆 | 1842 Views ⚑


Linux Kernel up to 5.0 AppleTalk Subsystem net/appletalk/aarp.c register_snap_client denial of service

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CVSS Meta Temp Score Current Exploit Price (β‰ˆ) CTI Interest Score
3.4 $0-$5k 3.64

A vulnerability classified as problematic has been found in Linux Kernel up to 5.0 (Operating System). Affected is the function register_snap_client of the file net/appletalk/aarp.c of the component AppleTalk Subsystem. The manipulation with an unknown input leads to a denial of service vulnerability (NULL Pointer Dereference). CWE is classifying the issue as CWE-476. This is going to have an impact on availability.

The weakness was published 11/22/2019. This vulnerability is traded as CVE-2019-19227 since 11/22/2019. There are known technical details, but no exploit is available. The current price for an exploit might be approx. USD $0-$5k (estimation calculated on 11/23/2019).

Upgrading to version 5.1 eliminates this vulnerability.




VulDB Meta Base Score: 3.5
VulDB Meta Temp Score: 3.4

VulDB Base Score: β‰ˆ3.5
VulDB Temp Score: β‰ˆ3.4
VulDB Vector: πŸ”’
VulDB Reliability: πŸ”

VulDB Base Score: πŸ”’
VulDB Temp Score: πŸ”’
VulDB Reliability: πŸ”
Class: Denial of service / NULL Pointer Dereference (CWE-476)
Local: Yes
Remote: No

Availability: πŸ”’
Status: Not defined

Price Prediction: πŸ”
Current Price Estimation: πŸ”’

0-Day unlock unlock unlock unlock
Today unlock unlock unlock unlock

Threat Intelligenceinfoedit

Threat: πŸ”
Adversaries: πŸ”
Geopolitics: πŸ”
Economy: πŸ”
Predictions: πŸ”
Remediation: πŸ”Recommended: Upgrade
Status: πŸ”

0-Day Time: πŸ”’

Upgrade: Kernel 5.1

11/22/2019 Advisory disclosed
11/22/2019 +0 days CVE assigned
11/23/2019 +1 days VulDB entry created
11/23/2019 +0 days VulDB last updateVendor: kernel.org
CVE: CVE-2019-19227 (πŸ”’)Created: 11/23/2019 09:30 AM
Complete: πŸ”

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