Featured ITernal Networks Announces Free Webinar This Week: Cybersecurity Breaches in the News -Latest Threats, Vulnerability and Hacks Hack. July 22nd, at 1pm, PST.

Published on July 21st, 2021 📆 | 4051 Views ⚑


ITernal Networks Announces Free Webinar This Week: Cybersecurity Breaches in the News -Latest Threats, Vulnerability and Hacks Hack. July 22nd, at 1pm, PST.


Las Vegas, NV, Release: For Immediate Release ITernal Networks Announces Free Live Webinar How to Improve your Accounts Receivable Through Automation?

July 22nd, 1pm, PST Live Webinar!

This week ITernal Networks will be hosting a live webinar that will focus on the latest cybersecurity breaches in the news. The live 30-minute webinar highlighting the steps your business should be taking to secure your company data and network. In addition, we will spotlight the Microsoft Printer Nightmare, security breach that affected millions across the globe, and we will discuss the Kaseya VSA Hack. Attendees will learn how to protect your business technology assets from hackers. In addition, we will look at some of the most common cybersecurity breaches across businesses.

People interested in registering for this 30-minute live webinar on July 22nd, at 1pm, PST, can register for free here https://www.cf.iternalnetworks.com/july-22-webinar-nbm

Log-in information will be provided upon registration.

Michael Kanet, President & Owner, will be leading the webinar, with co-host, Charles Garnes, Director of Business Development. During the live webinar they will share with you ways you can defend your business systems against cybersecurity breaches, how to achieve cyber resilience in today’s threat landscape for your business, and what critical steps your company should take today to secure your data & network. In addition, they will be talking about rising ransomware threats to operational technology assets, such a printer. Live webinar attendees will have a chance to win a $50 gift card to Amazon!

iTernal Networks is Nevada’s premier IT support & Managed Services provider that specializes in helping companies across the state manage their cyber risk and optimize workplace efficiency. Our team of qualified IT specialists provides network installation, monitoring and management services to businesses throughout Nevada, 702-802-2810. For assistance in virtual disaster recovery, or to request a free dark web scan report for your Nevada Business visit https://www.iternalnetworks.com/contact/

Additional webinar information can be found on: www.iternalnetworks.com/webinars/





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