
Published on December 2nd, 2019 📆 | 5212 Views ⚑


Health System Sues Software Co. For ‘NotPetya’ Cyberattack

Law360 (December 2, 2019, 3:10 PM EST) -- Pennsylvania-based Heritage Valley Health System Inc. has hit Nuance Communications Inc. with a lawsuit blaming the software technology company for causing the health system what it said was millions of dollars in damage as the result of a 2017 cyberattack.

Heritage Valley filed a complaint in Pennsylvania federal court Wednesday saying the malware attack, dubbed "NotPetya," made its way into the health system’s network via a server that Nuance operated.

It was Nuance’s negligence that led to Heritage Valley becoming infected with the malware, according to the complaint, which said Nuance was more focused on expanding globally than making sure it...

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