Featured Grantville police receive technology upgrades

Published on August 25th, 2021 📆 | 7324 Views ⚑


Grantville police receive technology upgrades


The Grantville City Council approved the purchase of a series of technology upgrades for the Grantville Police Department.

At the council's Aug. 9 work session, the Grantville Police Department requested larger storage for video archiving, a separate network from the city and new software to redact private information from footage released through FOIA requests.

The upgrades will cost approximately $45,000.

The new server and software will be paid for using money from the police department's 2013-2018 SPLOST funds, which "they have diligently saved, and they thought this was an appropriate expenditure for that money," said city manager Al Grieshaber.

Councilmember Ruby Hines said she was in favor of the purchases, but felt there should be some citizen input on the spending.

She suggested having the issue go before the city's police committee before the council voted on it.

"I'm just concerned about citizen input," she said. "Citizens should have a say in how they think we are operating the city, so I would not be against having a police committee meeting, if the citizens want to have it and have questions and concerns about this."

The city's police committee is made up of Councilmembers Alan Wacaser, Jim Sells and Hines. Wacaser is also the chair of the committee.

Grieshaber said the issue could go before the police committee, but acknowledged that the purchase was previously brought before the council at its Aug. 9 work session.

The upgrades were approved unanimously.

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