Featured GAO Says Army Corps Cybersecurity Deal Met Contract Terms

Published on August 12th, 2021 📆 | 5634 Views ⚑


GAO Says Army Corps Cybersecurity Deal Met Contract Terms


Law360 (August 11, 2021, 8:19 PM EDT) -- The U.S. Government Accountability Office has denied a protest over a $2.6 million Army Corps of Engineers task order to support a cybersecurity center, saying the order fit within the scope of the overarching contract it was issued under.

The Corps had reasonably determined that the sort of cybersecurity services it had ordered from Bowhead Total Enterprise Solutions LLC were covered by the terms of its indefinite-quantity, indefinite-delivery, or IDIQ, contract with the company, the GAO said in its July 27 decision released Wednesday, rejecting CSIOS Corp.'s protest.

"In our view, the record is consistent with the agency's position, and CSIOS...

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