
Published on March 18th, 2020 📆 | 2422 Views ⚑


Cyber Startup Emerges From ‘Stealth Mode’ Backed By $17M


Law360 (March 17, 2020, 5:39 PM EDT) -- Cybersecurity startup Axis Security unveiled its new platform Tuesday and said it raised $17 million in early-stage investments led by technology-focused investors Cyberstarts and Ten Eleven Ventures.

Axis Security announced the financing alongside its emergence from “stealth mode,” referring to an early stage in which a company chooses to keep a low profile in the media and make limited public statements. Axis Security markets a security and analytics platform for organizations to manage access to private applications. The startup is headquartered in California with a research and development outpost in Israel, according to its website.

“Axis Security is helping to solve...

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