Pentest Tools

Published on April 28th, 2015 📆 | 6352 Views ⚑


CeWL v5.1 – Password Cracking Custom Word List Generator

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CeWL is a Custom Word List generator which spiders a given site to create a word list of all words it finds on that site. It can also grab email addresses and usernames found in the HTML and in some document types including Office and PDF.

Useful for targeted penetration testing which involves brute force password cracking.

If you combine the wordlists from the above tools with the commonly found standard password cracking wordlists, you should have a pretty comprehensive, targeted set of lists for bruteforcing with something like John the Ripper, thc-hydra or hashcat.


You can download CeWL v5.1 here:


Or read more here.

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