Featured Banks calls for added cybersecurity effort, walks line on possible Trump-Pence choice in 2024

Published on June 8th, 2021 📆 | 2514 Views ⚑


Banks calls for added cybersecurity effort, walks line on possible Trump-Pence choice in 2024


FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WPTA21) - U.S. Rep. Jim Banks on Monday told ABC21 that more needs to be done to secure the United States and companies therein from cyber attacks like the one that shut down a fuel pipeline in May.

Banks, who represents northeast Indiana, fielded questions on security, election integrity and other topics during an interview in the 5 p.m. newscast.

He called the successful effort to retrieve millions of dollars in cryptocurrency paid as a ransom in the pipeline attack "a really big deal," and a sign of progress in the fight against such crimes.

The Department of Justice on Monday said it had “found and recaptured the majority of the ransom” paid to the DarkSide network, which launched the the attack on the Colonial Pipeline.

"We have to do more to prevent attacks like these," Banks said.

As the new ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems, such matters will now be a bigger part of Banks' purview.

Separately, Banks has been elevated among House members via his role chairing the Republican Study Committee.

In that capacity, Banks has taken on a leadership position among some of the more outspoken Republicans on conservative issues.

ABC21 anchor Brien McElhatten asked if those still pressing for election audits or claiming the election of President Joe Biden was tainted were undermining the democratic process, noting that seven months after the votes were counted, no evidence of widespread fraud has been found.

Banks stood by his own votes challenging the results in two states, though he has also acknowledged that Joe Biden "was elected, was inaugurated (and) he is our focus."

He said a "crisis in confidence in our elections" supports moves that, supporters say, will alleviate such concerns. He cited voter identification regarding mail-in ballots as an example, calling it "a common sense step forward."

A top priority of Democrats -- HR1, addressing a wide array of voting matters and curtailing some state efforts to change voting regulations -- has been panned by Republicans and was struck a possibly fatal blow this past weekend when Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin said he would not support the measure.

Banks is set to meet this week with former president Donald Trump in New Jersey.

He said he hopes, among other topics, to discuss the future of the Republican Party.

The meeting comes at a time of some division within the party itself, with Trump criticizing certain high-profile officials and pledging to support rivals in upcoming primary contests.

Banks has been widely supportive of the former president, and also of former vice president Mike Pence, who recently said he and Trump do not see "eye-to-eye" on matters related to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol.

Pence has not discussed in public his political plans, but Banks said he would place the Hoosier native "at the top of my list," for president, calling him "someone who I respect and admire. Incredible integrity. A man of principal. I hope he does run because he has a great deal to offer."

Banks was noncommittal when asked whom he would back if both Pence and Trump sought the Oval Office.

"2024 is a long ways away and like I said, and we have a lot of great candidates running," he said.

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