Swiss heavy equipment company Aebi Schmidt apparently was hit with a ransomware attack earlier this week.

The company has not issued
a public report on the incident, but told TechCrunch
that its Windows environment had been hit with malware and the company had shut
down that portion of its network while it deals with the situation.

Aebi Schmidt employees had been sent home due to the attack, which was described as ransomware, TechCrunch reported, citing other sources at the company.

If ransomware is behind
this attack then Aebi Schmidt would be the latest big firm to have its
operations disrupted, joining The
Weather Channel
and Norsk Hydro. The TV network was taken off the air for
almost one hour earlier this week. The Norwegian aluminum maker was hit with
LockerGoga ransomware in March shutting down a large portion of its operation
and costing the company an estimated $40 million in damage.

DigitalMunition has contacted Aebi
Schmidt for additional information on the situation.