
Published on June 7th, 2019 📆 | 2714 Views ⚑


Trump’s ‘Special Interest Agenda’ ‘Jeopardizing the Financial Security of Working Families’

(Getty Images/Andrew Burton)

( - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) put out a statement today in response to the May employment report—that showed the unemployment rate holding steady at a 50-year-low of 3.6 percent—in which she said the Trump administration is pursuing a “special interest agenda” that is “jeopardizing the financial security of working families across America.”

“The May jobs report is a disturbing sign that the Administration’s disastrous special interest agenda is hollowing out our economy, fueling instability and jeopardizing the financial security of working families across America,” Pelosi said.

“While the wealthy and well-connected enjoy massive windfalls from the GOP Tax Scam for the rich, countless hard-working Americans are one unexpected expense away from financial ruin,” she said.

“Families across the country need decisive action to strengthen their health and financial well-being, not more special interest giveaways and reckless threats from the President that threaten to sow chaos in our economy,” she said.

Here is the full text of Pelosi’s statement:

Pelosi Statement on May Jobs Report

June 7, 2019

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Department of Labor issued its May jobs report, which showed that the economy created just 75,000 jobs:

“The May jobs report is a disturbing sign that the Administration’s disastrous special interest agenda is hollowing out our economy, fueling instability and jeopardizing the financial security of working families across America.

“While the wealthy and well-connected enjoy massive windfalls from the GOP Tax Scam for the rich, countless hard-working Americans are one unexpected expense away from financial ruin. Families across the country need decisive action to strengthen their health and financial well-being, not more special interest giveaways and reckless threats from the President that threaten to sow chaos in our economy.

“House Democrats are fighting For The People, delivering results on issues that matter in their lives. Our House Majority is acting to lower the price of prescription drugs and protect health benefits for Americans with pre-existing conditions, to raise wages by rebuilding America with bold investments in green, modern, job-creating infrastructure, and to clean up corruption to make Washington work for the public interest, not the special interests. We will continue to advance progress so that our communities, our economy and our nation can grow and thrive.”


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