Featured NAIC Creates New Dedicated Cybersecurity Committee

Published on June 17th, 2022 📆 | 7268 Views ⚑


Colonial Pipeline Co. Escapes Cybersecurity Suit

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By Kelcey Caulder (June 17, 2022, 6:40 PM EDT) -- A Georgia federal judge has tossed a suit from consumers alleging Colonial Pipeline Co.'s inadequate cybersecurity defenses led to a ransomware attack that led to system outages, finding the consumers hadn't proven that they had a private or common right to purchase retail gasoline.

The consumers had alleged a claim for public nuisance because Colonial "knowingly deprived the public of access to gasoline," according to U.S. District Court Judge Mark H. Cohen's order, but he determined that the claim couldn't stand because the consumers failed to show that Colonial's pipeline shutdown prevented the public from exercising a right common to all....

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