Featured Microsoft Scores Win In Cloud Technology Trade Secrets Case

Published on June 16th, 2022 📆 | 4304 Views ⚑


Microsoft Scores Win In Cloud Technology Trade Secrets Case

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By Tiffany Hu (June 15, 2022, 8:20 PM EDT) -- Microsoft can escape most of a trade secrets lawsuit over its cloud-based technology after a Washington federal judge on Wednesday ruled that there was a valid licensing agreement between the parties involved in the dispute.

U.S. District Judge Barbara J. Rothstein largely granted Microsoft's request to toss claims brought by Drut Technologies Inc., which alleged that the software giant failed to pay for work Drut did for developing technology used in cloud-based servers.

Microsoft said that the companies' agreement granted it an irrevocable license to use the technology, and that this irrevocable license beat out Drut's other claims involving breach of contract...

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