Featured Online Originals: Vidant Orthopedics utilizing new robotic knee replacement technology

Published on November 29th, 2021 📆 | 8100 Views ⚑


Online Originals: Vidant Orthopedics utilizing new robotic knee replacement technology


GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — Vidant Orthopedics is keeping the community moving with the utilization of a new robotic knee surgery technology. Orthopedic Surgeons with Vidant SurgiCenter in Greenville performed seven knee surgeries with the new technology in its first week.

The technology is currently offered at Vidant Beaufort Hospital in Washington and Vidant SurgiCenter in Greenville.

The ROSA Knee System is a robotic surgical assistant for total knee replacement. The new technology allows the surgeon to create a plan for the procedure by using a series of X-rays to create a 3D model of the patient’s knee, which establishes a more precise view and a more customized approach for the patient’s unique joint anatomy.

“Robot technology has gone through an evolution in Orthopedics. About 10 years ago we were using robots to help make cuts, now the difference is the software used for computers basically maps the entire knee so you can make a more precise cut or balance the knee” said Dr. Deanna Boyette, Chief of Orthopedics at Vidant Beaufort Hospital. She was influential in implementing this technology into Vidants hospitals.

“Now at Vidant, we have two centers where if you’re interested in a robotic surgery, if you’re interested in the most advanced technology, you do not have to leave town, you do not have to leave Eastern North Carolina, we have it all for you right here.”

Dr. Deanna Boyette, Chief of Orthopedics at Vidant Beaufort Hospital

Though recovery times vary between patients post-surgery, most patients should be able to drive after two weeks, garden after three to four weeks and golf after six to eight weeks. This type of total replacement surgery results when other treatments options are no longer providing relief to a patient.

“There’s a certain subset of people, even though they’ve had their knee replacement, are not completely satisfied with it. I feel like with this technology it’s kind of taking that extra step,” said Dr. Jeff Barwick, Orthopedic Surgeon at Vidant Beaufort Hospital.

During surgery, ROSA Knee uses a camera and optical trackers attached to a patient’s leg to know exactly where the knee is in space. So if your knee moves the robot can adjust accordingly. This helps to ensure the plan the surgeon put into place is performed as intended. The ROSA Knee functions as an assistant to the surgeon, providing data about the knee and helping in the precise positioning of the implant.

And the technology systems could be used for other joint replacements in the future.

“Right now we are using it for total knee replacements. Within the year we will be doing partial knee replacements with it and then down the road we will be doing total hip replacements and total shoulders. And that’s all technology that’s coming”, says Barwick.

Surgeons at Vidant say the technology for in-patient needs also gives the option to perform surgery on an outpatient basis, depending on the patient’s needs.

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