Featured DOJ Cybersecurity Crackdown May Inspire Whistleblowers

Published on October 9th, 2021 📆 | 5777 Views ⚑


DOJ Cybersecurity Crackdown May Inspire Whistleblowers


By Daniel Wilson (October 8, 2021, 8:50 PM EDT) -- The U.S. Department of Justice's recent decision to crack down on federal contractors' cybersecurity shortcomings by using the False Claims Act sends a signal to whistleblowers that they can expect the government's support for reporting their employers.

On Wednesday, Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced the new Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative, which will rely on the FCA to pursue cybersecurity-related fraud claims against federal contractors for putting "U.S. information or systems at risk."

The enforcement program will likely lead to a slew of new cases from qui tam whistleblowers, who file the vast majority of FCA cases, including those who may have...

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