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Published on June 7th, 2021 📆 | 7295 Views ⚑


From wireless speakers to pacemakers, Bluetooth is everywhere.Knowledge of technology


What is Bluetooth?

It’s everywhere in electronics. It is built into almost every new household appliance. Or rather, it seems.

There have been popular Bluetooth speakers for years. You can take the Bluetooth-connected speaker out and turn on music from your mobile phone or listen to a radio station.

However, there are also pacemakers that can provide important health information such as Bluetooth thermostats, Bluetooth record players, headsets, TV soundbars, computer keyboards and mice. And the list goes on.

This has become so common that some may not think about it just a few years ago, or even how a similar device was used without Bluetooth. Remember that if you want to listen to music on the patio, you have to pull out the earphones with wires or the cables?

You can now view maps on Siri, search for restaurants, and send text messages on many of the new cars on the road today. Once the vehicle is connected to your mobile phone, you can send and receive text messages with just voice commands without having to touch the phone.

Bluetooth devices are manufactured by many companies.

So what is Bluetooth and how does it work?

It is a short-range communication standard for wireless interconnections (typically up to 30 feet) of mobile phones, computers, and other electronic devices.

“The devices we buy today that communicate with other devices probably have Bluetooth,” said Seth Headley, an information technology consultant for the VIERA TV.

If the phone is nearby, someone can answer your iPhone on your Apple Watch.

In fact, some people have set up applications that can control their home wireless devices, such as smart refrigerators, earphones, and cars. Also, connect a wireless keyboard and mouse to your computer.

According to Headley, most devices that are connected wirelessly carry a security risk that others can access your data, especially older devices. However, security improvements are constantly being made.

From wireless speakers to pacemakers, Bluetooth is everywhere.Knowledge of technology

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