Pentest Tools no image

Published on May 18th, 2021 📆 | 7708 Views ⚑


Faraday 3.15.0

Faraday 3.15.0
Posted May 18, 2021
Authored by Francisco Amato | Site

Faraday is a tool that introduces a new concept called IPE, or Integrated Penetration-Test Environment. It is a multiuser penetration test IDE designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit. The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way.

Changes: Added Basic Auth support. Added support for GET method in websocket_tokens, POST will be deprecated in the future. Added CVSS(String), CWE(String), CVE(relationship) columns to vulnerability model and API. Added agent token's API says the renewal cycling duration. Improved database model to be able to delete workspaces fastly. Improved code style and uses (less flake8 exceptions, py3 super style, Flask app as singleton, etc). Modified workspaces' names regex to verify they cannot contain forward slash. Improved bulk create logs. Fixed schema breaking Marshmallow 3.11.0+. Updated UPD flask_security_too to version 4.0.0+.
tags | tool, rootkit
systems | unix
MD5 | 0f2742dc232ae2029a528b6a776cb083

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Pentest Tools no image

Published on May 18th, 2021 📆 | 1811 Views ⚑


Faraday 3.15.0


Faraday 3.15.0
Posted May 18, 2021
Authored by Francisco Amato | Site

Faraday is a tool that introduces a new concept called IPE, or Integrated Penetration-Test Environment. It is a multiuser penetration test IDE designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit. The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way.

Changes: Added Basic Auth support. Added support for GET method in websocket_tokens, POST will be deprecated in the future. Added CVSS(String), CWE(String), CVE(relationship) columns to vulnerability model and API. Added agent token's API says the renewal cycling duration. Improved database model to be able to delete workspaces fastly. Improved code style and uses (less flake8 exceptions, py3 super style, Flask app as singleton, etc). Modified workspaces' names regex to verify they cannot contain forward slash. Improved bulk create logs. Fixed schema breaking Marshmallow 3.11.0+. Updated UPD flask_security_too to version 4.0.0+.
tags | tool, rootkit
systems | unix
MD5 | 0f2742dc232ae2029a528b6a776cb083

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