
Published on March 1st, 2019 📆 | 5283 Views ⚑


OWASP NZ Day 2019: Why Positive Security Is the Next Software Security Game Changer, & How to Do It


Jaap Karan Singh - Secure Code Warrior


A 2017 report based on 400,000 application scans reported that only 30% passed the OWASP Top 10 policy. This presentation showcases the principles and practice of “positive security” and explains why it is an important game changer that will substantially improve application security.

Speaker Biography

Jaap Karan Singh is the Co-Founder and Chief Singh of Secure Code Warrior, a global security company that makes software development better and more secure. After security testing at BAE Systems in Australia, Jaap moved from hacking Web applications to educating developers on how to protect their own applications. Jaap has delivered training on web application security concepts and run workshops at Australian financial and telecommunications organisations in Australia. He specialises in Javascript technologies such as HTML5, Node, Express and Mongo. He recently created and delivered a course on hacking and protecting modern Javascript applications at OWASP AppSec EU 2016.

This presentation is from OWASP New Zealand Day 2019, which was held on 22 Feb 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand.


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