
Published on November 11th, 2019 📆 | 4556 Views ⚑


Wrangle Your Defense Using Offensive Tactics – Matt Dunn – BSides CT 2019 – 11/09/19

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Thanks to the BSides CT Organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and attendees. Thank you Irongeek for coming out to film, and his video crew volunteers Greg Jurman, Spencer Smalley, Steven Swabby and Daniel Robels.

Welcome to BSides Connecticut

The key to a good defense is understanding the offense. Grab your lasso and hop in the saddle because this talk will cover attack techniques that are regularly used to compromise networks and how they can be leveraged by the blue team to build a stronger defense. Forget vulnerability scanners, in this talk we cover issues they rarely catch, which include: Discovering unknown weaknesses externally and internally, weak passwords, in-memory credential theft and privilege abuse.

Learn how to discover, exploit and defend against those weaknesses using a number of free and/or open-source tools, as well as defense tips and the IOCs needed to tune your SIEM. Lastly, the MITRE ATT&CK framework will be introduced, so that you can utilize the same tactics on the entire gamut of known attack vectors.

Matt is the lead security analyst in-charge of offensive security at Schneider Downs. Over his career, Matt has worked in computer and mobile device forensics, information security consulting, penetration testing, e-discovery, Windows system administration and Linux system administration. In addition to focusing on the technical areas of security, Matt enjoys working directly with clients to help them improve their security programs and policies. The ever-changing nature of IT and information security is what drew Matt to his career and he strives to be a continuous learner. He is driven to help clients, and the world at large, be more secure.

video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
2019-11-10 23:04:23


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