
Published on July 14th, 2019 📆 | 2072 Views ⚑


UK Data Breach Reports Rocket As GDPR Takes Effect

Law360, London (July 10, 2019, 4:56 PM BST) -- Britain’s data regulator revealed on Wednesday that it has handled four times the previous number of reports of personal data breaches in an “unprecedented” 12 months, in which tough European Union rules on consumer information came into force.

Figures published by the Information Commissioner’s Office revealed that the regulator examined 13,840 reports of personal data breaches over the 12 months to March — up from 3,311 a year earlier. And the number of complaints received by the ICO from individuals unhappy about how their personal data has been handled doubled over the year from 21,019 to 41,661.

The ICO also revealed...

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