Pentest Tools

Published on May 2nd, 2015 📆 | 8202 Views ⚑


0d1n v1.0 Web App Bruteforcer and Fuzzer Released
0d1n is an open source web application bruteforcer and fuzzer, the main objective is automate exhaustive tests to search anomalies, at other point view this anomalies can be a vulnerability, these test can follow web parameters, files, directories, forms and other things. 0d1n is licensed under GPLv3.


  • Need ”GCC” and ”make”
  • You must install ”libcurl”
  • Search libcurl-devel or libcurl-dev in your portage
  • Current version tested only Unix Like systems(Linux, MacOS and *BSD).


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Brute path:
$ ./0d1n --host 'https://host/find.php?search=!&type=^' --payloads payloads/xss-rsnake.txt -find_string_list response2find/find.txt --log out_data22
Brute GET n Find string:
$ ./0d1n --host '^' --payloads test_list1 --find_string_list find_list_one --log thunder27


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