Pentest Tools

Published on February 17th, 2015 📆 | 5187 Views ⚑


WebReaver– web application security testing toolkit for Mac OS X
WebReaver is a web application security testing toolkit for Mac OS X. WebReaver was designed from scratch as a native Mac OS X desktop application, taking advantage of all native performance and visual benefits of the Apple's operating system.

WebReaver will incorporate several testing tools into a single application similar the the tools you will find inside our online Suite. This ALPHA release only incorporates the scanning and reporting engine. We will gradually introduce our XML and JSON fuzzers, Recon and all other tools that are fit for desktop use.

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Simply put, WebReaver is the best web security testing tool for Mac Desktop. WebReaver is powered by "Sparta" - our latest, cutting-edge web security testing engine, which comes with improved vulnerability detection, performance and many other enhancements better-suited for testing modern web applications.

WebReaver 2.0 In Action

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