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Published on November 15th, 2009 📆 | 6030 Views ⚑


WeakNet Linux Assistant 3 Lite Released

WeakNet Linux 3 Lite is small enough to fit onto a CD current build ~600MB and runs servers directly from the CD including Web / PHP, FTP, SSH, and more.

In WeakNet Linux 3 We are Debuting our very own implementation of a Social Network. This Social Netwrok acts much like any other which is built from MySQL / PHP / and HTML. This server can be used for a fun thing to do with friends, or as a hacking point in a Computer Security Lab. One can learn a lot about how PHP, HTML, and Apache2 work plus get some good SQL injection experience.

Download: WeakNet Linux Assistant 3

See also: Hacking Windows XP with WeakNet Linux Assistant 3 (Lite)

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