Pentest Tools

Published on October 18th, 2014 📆 | 7115 Views ⚑


ThreadFix – Vulnerability Aggregation & Management System

ThreadFix is a software vulnerability aggregation and management system that reduces the time it takes to fix software vulnerabilities. ThreadFix imports the results from dynamic, static and manual testing to provide a centralized view of software security defects across development teams and applications. The system allows companies to correlate testing results and streamline software remediation efforts by simplifying feeds to software issue trackers. By auto generating application firewall rules, this tool allows organizations to continue remediation work uninterrupted. ThreadFix empowers managers with vulnerability trending reports that show progress over time, giving them justification for their efforts.

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ThreadFix also allows users to input the results of manual penetration testing, code review and threat modeling to provide a comprehensive view of software security for an organization. Once a unified list of security vulnerabilities has been created, ThreadFix allows application security managers to further prioritize discovered vulnerabilities via a centralized dashboard. The platform allows companies to correlate testing results and streamline software remediation efforts by simplifying feeds to software issue trackers. As the development team resolves defects, status updates are synchronized within ThreadFix, enabling the security team to schedule follow-up testing to confirm that security holes have indeed been closed.


  • Consolidated View of Application Test Results – Consolidate and de-duplicate imported results from open source, commercial dynamic and static scanning tools, as well as the results of manual testing and threat modeling to get a complete view of the state of your applications.
  • Reports – Get the latest security status of your applications while providing an eagle’s-eye view of your organization’s progress over time to pinpoint any process problems.
  • Defect Tracker Integration – Help security professionals translate application vulnerabilities into software defects and push tasks to developers in the tools and systems they are already using.
  • Virtual Patching – Create virtual Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules to help block malicious traffic while vulnerabilities are being resolved. While your organization takes on remediation of your applications, virtual patching helps guard against common vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injections.
  • Compatible with Open Source and Commercial Products – ThreadFix is compatible with a number of commercial and freely available dynamic and static scanning technologies, SaaS testing platforms, IDS/IPS and WAFs and defect trackers.

You can download Threadfix 2.1RC1 here:

Or read more here.

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