Pentest Tools

Published on February 22nd, 2015 📆 | 7719 Views ⚑


SAMHAIN v3.1.4 (bugfix), BELTANE v2.4.9 (minor enhancements)
The Samhain host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) provides file integrity checking and log file monitoring/analysis, as well as rootkit detection, port monitoring, detection of rogue SUID executables, and hidden processes.

Samhain been designed to monitor multiple hosts with potentially different operating systems, providingcentralized logging and maintenance, although it can also be used as standalone application on a single host.

Samhain is an open-source multiplatform application for POSIX systems (Unix, Linux, Cygwin/Windows).

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Changelog SAMHAIN v3.1.4 (bugfix) 

  • A bug has been fixed that was introduced in version 3.1.2 and would cause the database initialisation to fail if the configuration asks to check a non-existent file.
  • A problem in handling very large UNIX groups has been fixed.
  • Detection of the rpmbuild top directory (for ‘make rpm’) has been improved.

Changelog BELTANE v2.4.9 (minor enhancements)

  • GPG signing can be done for individual clients now (from the dropdown menu in the client panel).
  • The hostname is automatically enclosed in delimiters now when ‘bulk update’ is invoked from the client panel for a single client.


More Information:

Download SAMHAIN v3.1.14 & BELTANE v2.4.9

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